Fall in Colorado
At the end of August, we headed from Asheville, North Carolina through Tennessee and Illinois to southern Missouri. After a couple months in Branson, we traveled west through Wichita, Kansas to Denver, Colorado. The trip from Wichita through western Kansas and eastern Colorado was rural, but interesting. We skipped some of the big attractions such as the "world's deepest hand dug well". When we arrived in Denver, we found a spot at our favorite RV park in Golden called Dakota Ridge. Although we would spend most of our time here at the AECT conference, we took a couple days off for some relaxation.

Pine, Colorado

Pine Loop
We did a day trip southwest of Denver on highway 285 through Conifer. This area has become popular as people in Denver look for less crowded surroundings. Unfortunately, this area is getting busy too. We headed to the Bucksnort bar and grill, but discovered that they were closed in the middle of the week. Instead, we ate lunch at the Elk Creek Station in Pine, Colorado. Although Bucksnort has a nice location in the woods, the food at Elk Creek was great.

We spent some time exploring the Pike National Forest area and took a hike in Reynolds Park in the Jefferson Country Open Space Park. The hike took us up the side of a mountain where we got a good view of the Rocky Mountains around us.

We completed the loop drive by heading back into Golden to our campground.

Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park
Our second day trip took us to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park. After walking around the shops in Estes Park, we spent some time in the park. Larry asked at the park headquarters about his friend that volunteers in the summer, but he'd already left for the winter. Next, we headed south for some hiking in the Wild Basin area. We walked the 3.5 mile round trip to Calypso Cascades and Ouzel Falls. It began to snow on our walk, but it was fun being outside in the cool weather. Annette liked the bright yellow leaves of the Aspen trees.

Created by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 7/01.
Updated 5/02.
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