- Roosting
in a Cactus:
- Planning
Technology-Rich Projects
- Most people avoid cactus, but many
animals make cactus their home. You need
to look beyond the spiny exterior of a
cactus or technology to make it an
effective resource. Our students have
grown up in a technology-rich world.
Unfortunately our classroom assignments
and assessments have not kept up with the
evolution of standards and potential of
technology. Many activities still use a
word processor as a typewriter, imaging
software as a paint brush, and multimedia
as a slide show. Break out of the mold and
explore new pathways for expression
through effective image, word, and voice
representations, the design of effective
communications, and infusion of
interactive elements into your multimedia
- What's a technology-rich project? It's
an active, authentic, and meaningful
learning environment that involves
students in creating text, images,
graphics, videos, and other
communications. Technology enhances this
communication and is seamlessly integrated
into the process and product. The project
can involve a range of low and high
technology resources. For example, the
project includes text, graphics, and
persuasive communications. The honey
bee project uses HyperStudio to share
text, graphics, and sounds related to
beekeeping. Students can even create web
pages such as the raptor
project. For more information about
technology-rich projects, check out the
Learning project.
- This workshop focuses on guidelines
for planning and assessing technology-rich
student projects including:
- Task
- Activities
- Tools
- Resources
- Communications
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Sharing
- Return
to Eduscapes

- Cactus
- Start with an
exploration of existing technology-rich
projects. You can explore the guidelines
for the project or project products.
Create a list of all the technologies used
in the project including planning,
implementation, and sharing phases. Then,
brainstorm other tools that could have
been used in the project. Finally, think
about projects that would take the same
approach with different
Return to
Created by Annette
Lamb, 02/01.