- Open a
Can of Worms:
- Integrating
Technology into Your
- Annette
- alamb@eduscapes.com
- Integrating Technology into Your
- Planning
- Classroom Management
- Project Development
- Open a Can of Worms
- Before you open the can,
- create a plan
- start with one worm
- keep it small
- reflect on your progress
- add another worm
- http://www.yucky.com/flash/worm/
- Building Learning
- Match learning outcomes:
- Match tools and activities
- Manage
- Integrate
- http://www.pde.psu.edu/connections/default.htm
- http://www.learnnc.org/
- Outcomes
- Standards, Needs, Time
- What do you want your students to be able to do or
talk about?
- Identify the Skills
- Identify, match, label
- Compare & contrast
- Explain the function of
- Describe the relationship
- Discuss the cause & effect
- Solve a problem
- Fables
- Define literary forms
- Discuss origins & purposes of fables
- Identify basic story elements
- Identify the moral or lesson in fable
- Retell a story
- Write a fable containing a moral
- Locate and read literature from web-based
- Fables Unit
- Identify books
- Look for lessons: fables+lesson
- Identify web resources: text, audio, video
- http://ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/soc/cecsst/cecsst023.html
- Choose the Tools
- The goal:
- Accessing information
- Writing
- Organizing
- Presenting
- Learning tools: tutorials, drills
- http://www.dusklight.com/aesop/
- http://www.pacificnet.net/~johnr/aesop/
- http://www.umass.edu/aesop/
- Selecting Resources
- Use what you have
- Buy what you need
- Do you need specialized tools?
- children's tools
- specialty software
- Ask your friends
- Ask your email connections- Proteacher
- Use online resources
- Read magazines
- http://proteacher.com/
- http://www.siia.net/events/awards/codieawards/default.htm
- http://www.tomsnyder.com
- http://www.techlearning.com/review.html
- http://www.techlearning.com/complist.htm
- http://www.kidsdomain.com/
- http://www2.childrenssoftware.com/childrenssoftware/
- http://www.superkids.com/
- http://www.TheReviewZone.com/
- http://www.worldvillage.com/wv/school/html/scholrev.htm
- http://www.zdnet.com/products/softwareuser/
- http://carson.enc.org/ssrp/
- Lesson Plan Evaluation
- Why reinvent the wheel?
- Use lesson planning sites
- Use search engines: software+
- lessons, tips and tutorials, student
Lesson Plan
- General Lesson Planning Sites
- State Department of Education
- Regional Labs
- Grant Projects
- Schools of Teacher Education
- School Districts
- http://scrtec.org/track/
- http://encarta.msn.com/schoolhouse/
- http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/lessons/archive.html
- http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/lessons/000606tuesday.html
- http://www.thegateway.org/
- http://www.teachers-connect.net/TNT/mlp0038.htm
- http://score.k12.ca.us/
- http://web.stclair.k12.il.us/goals2000/plan.html
- Lesson Plan Search
- Look for lessons plans:
- Search subject, software, topic
- Discuss how it could be adapted or modified
- Discuss classroom management considerations
- Buying Software
- Look for state and area buys
- Look at Sam's club
- Try online sources
- special educator programs
- special school plans
- http://www.edresources.com/
- Select Tools
- Developmentally appropriate
- Analyze entry skills
- content, technology, info lit
- Focus on specific tools
- Consider time vs outcome
- Word Processing
- Grade level considerations
- Entry skills - process writing
- Specialize - peer writing, macros, spelling
- Time vs outcome
- Try It: Move away from "typing"
- Process writing
- Specific skills - combining
- Collaborative writing
- Brainstorming
- Organizing ideas
- Database
- Grade level considerations -templates,
- Entry skills - categorizing, detail
- Speciaize tools - reporting, forms
- Time vs outcome
- http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/
- Spreadsheets
- Grade level considerations -templates, auto
- Entry skills - math, categorizing
- Specialize tools - charts and graphs
- Time vs outcome
- http://www.katy.isd.tenet.edu/se/sspump/graphs.html
- Visual Tools
- Grade level considerations -templates,
- Entry skills - categorizing, relationships
- Specialize tools - varied ways of viewing
- Time vs outcome
- http://www.learner.org/exhibits/collapse
- Presentations
- Grade level considerations
- Entry skills: organizing ideas
- Specialize tools: fonts, audio, video,
- Time vs outcome
- Multimedia
- Grade level considerations -templates,
- Entry skills - organizing ideas
- Specialize tools - fonts, audio, video,
- Time vs outcome
- Imaging
- Grade level considerations - starters, stamps
- Entry skills - painting, drawing
- Specialize tools - brightness, contrast,
- Time vs outcome
- Email Tools
- Grade level considerations
- distance of epal, audiences
- Entry skills - types of writing
- Specialize tools - attachments, signatures
- Time vs outcome
- Information Resources
- Grade level considerations
- Entry skills - info lit, evaluation, reading
- Specialize tools - bookmarks
- Time vs outcome
- http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Human_Genome/resource/education.html
- http://www.brainpop.com/
- Management
- Classroom management is the key to effective,
engaged learning environments.
- Do you ever feel
- You stayed on the tilt-a-whirl too long?
- Your sewing machine ran out of thread?
- Your slinky's got a kink?
- Classroom Profile
- Classroom management survey and ideas for tech
- Set Expectations High
- Start with Quality Content & Activities
- Focus on an outcome.
- Seek content with substance.
- Ask for high level thinking.
- http://library.thinkquest.org/17067/influence/index.html
- http://www.adcritic.com/
- Do It!
- Select an outcome.
- Brainstorm
- content needs for exploration
- activities with thinking
- simple products with impact
- Begin by Exploring
- Explore tools
- Use personal examples
- Make it meaningful
- Make it fun and silly
- Do It!
- Make a list of software or technology you've been
thinking about learning.
- Try some exploring.
- Start in a Group
- Begin as a large group
- Enter individual data
- Bring it back to the whole group
- Write or interpret individually
- Do It!
- Brainstorm activities you could start as a group.
- what could student, add, expand, focus on
- Provide Starters
- Pictures
- Story Starters
- Problems or Questions
- Do It!
- Explore clip art websites.
- Explore clip art on CDs.
- Create a folder on your network of good
- clipart for a project.
- Keep it Quick
- Pick a tool with easy choices
- Use the results in a more complex project:
- Timeliner
- Mapmaker Toolkit
- Diorama
- Do It!
- Try a piece of software.
- Is it worth the time to learn the software?
- Would a traditional approach be as effective?
- Provide Guides
- Anticipation guide
- Question lists
- Visual maps
- Data templates
- WebQuests
- http://www.census.gov/statab/www/
- Do It!
- Discuss projects that might involve the use of
census data.
- How and why could students visualize and analyze
the data?
- Provide Helpers
- Handouts
- Notebooks
- Cards
- Bulletin boards
- Web pages
- http://schoolnotes.com/edgate/index.html
- http://www.schoolnotes.com/98390/jlynch_allen.html
- http://schoolnotes.com/77399/eduscapes.html
- http://www.myschoolonline.com/golocal/
- http://www.scrtec.org/wizard
- Do It!
- Use an established website to to post a simple
web-based activity.
- Field Test Ideas
- Before trying a new project:
- pick three students
- ask them to do a "dry" run
- ask for their suggestions
- revise your materials
- Do It!
- Try the activity yourself:
- What are your frustrations?
- disk management
- time to get organized
- finding good stuff
- learning the software
- Demonstrate
- Explore "Kinetics Lab" on-own
- Demonstrate
- as they watch
- and talk through
- and write down steps
- Try with a partner
- Kinetics Lab
- Do It!
- Try different ways to introducing new activities.
Reflect on each approach.
- Do you need more talk, demo, print support,
- Repeat, Repeat, etc.
- Provide content & directions
- Do It!
- Brainstorm ways to: hear, see, read
- Be Active
- Focus on a single resource
- Be specific about action:
- write
- label...
- speak
- debate
- diagram...
- http://www.rwe.org/index.html
- Do It!
- Choose a website.
- Brainstorm active words.
- write
- label...
- speak
- debate
- diagram...
- Use Multimedia Examples
- Examples and Nonexamples
- Words
- Diagram or Chart
- Map or Timeline
- Photograph
- Video
- http://mgd.NACSE.ORG/hyperSQL/lichenland/
- Do It!
- Brainstorm alternative ways to present
- visual - still & motion
- auditory
- text - paper, screen
- charts, diagrams, timelines
- Try Different Groups
- How many computers do you have?
- How much time do you have?
- What can be done on and off computer?
- What can be done in 1, 2-5, 25?
- http://www.miamisci.org/af/sln/index.html
- http://www.miamisci.org/af/sln/frankenstein/safety.html
- Do It!
- Try the same activity with different
- Rotate Learners
- Current events
- This day in history
- Biography of the day
- Picture of the day
- Problem of the day
- http://newspaperlinks.com/
- http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
- Do it!
- How could you implement a daily or weekly
- in your classroom
- as an outside assignment
- individually or in small groups
- Peer Practice Ideas
- Brainstorm
- words and definitions
- names and dates
- problems and information
- Create - charts, diagrams
- http://www.clothesline.com/stainDet/index.html
- Do It!
- Brainstorm ways to use calculation sites.
- currency conversion
- salary adjuster
- calorie counters
- Teaching Trios
- Create peer teaching teams for students.
- Work in groups of three on projects, each with a
different assignment.
- http://www.opinion-pages.org/
- Do It!
- Brainstorm alternative types of assignments:
- group roles: writer, mouser
- work: doctor, lawyer
- debate: pro, con
- channels: audio person
- Hold mini-conferences
- Process-folios & Journals
- Spiral notebooks
- Cool things list
- Questions & frustrations
- Problems I solved
- Things I can teach others
- Do It!
- Discuss your experiences using process check
- Practice Study Skills
- Make good use of reading time
- Reading Off Screen - Outlining, Skimming
- Printouts - Underlining
- http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/bios0.html
- Do It!
- Watch your students read off the screen.
- Are they using their time effectively?
- Break Down Big Projects
- Look at the big picture
- Focus on one task at a time
- Be prepared to cut down the the size of the
- Bring students together
- Review & go on
- http://www.att.virtualclassroom.org/
- Do It!
- Explore online projects.
- Discuss issues related to managing a large-scale
- Use Project Ideas
- Explore existing projects.
- Use the data from last year.
- Apply the ideas.
- Locate people to participate.
- http://earth.simmons.edu/birdwatch/birdwatch.html
- Do It!
- Discuss projects that you've heard people
- Are they a good use of Internet?
- Narrow Your Focus
- Pick 2-3 web pages
- Start with 1 activity
- Try activities as a large group
- What will give you the best combination of
- http://www.schools.ash.org.au/paa/
- Do It!
- Explore a website.
- Discuss what aspects of the website are the most
- Manage Online Projects
- List the steps in the activity
- Show in a flow chart
- Create a timeline
- http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Creek/3675/
- Do It!
- Develop an idea for a collaborative project.
- What info will you share?
- Who will you share with?
- Create a project bulletin board
- Identify Wasted Time
- Entering class
- Waiting for
- computer availability
- loading page
- printing
- Last five minutes
- Exiting class
- http://www.kidcrosswords.com/
- Do it!
- Discuss examples of times during the day where you
see students wasting time.
- Brainstorm ideas for making good use of the time -
journal writing, problems
- Manage the Desktop
- Desktop - files, folders, window layout
- Do It! Get organized
- Manage Applications
- Use
- special features
- macros
- templates
- starters
- bookmarks
- Do It!
- Explore an application you've used for a long
- look for new applications
- explore features
- try new ways of using
- Transfer Learning
- Ask students to transform information each time.
- Review new learning with peer problem
- Apply practiced math to a "real-world
- http://www.quia.com/mc/354.html
- http://www.mathstories.com/
- http://www.mathstories.com/seasonal_Themes/Earth_Day_Dripping_Faucet.htm
- http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/
- Do it
- Brainstorm some drill software you've used.
- Discuss ways to build in an immediate activity
that requires transfer.
- Use Communication Trees
- Find a group of friends
- Form an email or phone tree
- Do It!
- Who would you contact?
- What's the likely response?
- No help
what's your next step?
- Have a Backup Plan
- The lights go out
- The network crashes
- It's just taking too long
- Same thing, another way
- Another project ready
- Adjust small group work
- Do It!
- Share ways that you handle technology
- Are you ready to open the can of worms?
- Open a Can of Worms
- Email me about your worms!
- Annette Lamb
- alamb@eduscapes.com
- http://eduscapes.com
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Created by Annette
Lamb, 7/00