The following resources are designed for middle school math students and their teachers. Teacher Tap: Math Resources
AAA Math - Grade 7 Houghton Mifflin - Test Prep Practice - Grade 7 Seventh Grade Math! from KidPort General Seventh Grade Getting Students Connected - Grade 7 Grade 7 Curriculum Links for Shrewsbury Public Schools Seventh Grade Skills from Internet4classrooms |
AAA Math - Grade 8 Harcourt Math Games for Grade 8 Eighth Grade Math! from KidPort General Eighth Grade Getting Students Connected - Grade 8 Grade 8 Curriculum Links for Shrewsbury Public Schools MCAS Project Software - Grade 8 |
Grade 9-12 Curriculum Links for Shrewsbury Public Schools Illuminations from NCTM - Grades 9-12 |
General Resources 42explore: Charts and Graphs 42explore: codes, ciphers, and secret messages 42explore: Geometric Shapes 42explore: Statistics & Probability 42explore: Tessellations BBC Math Files Harcourt Math Games for Grade 6 The Eigg and the Internet Geometic Shapes and Figures from 42explore Math Lessons that Are Fun - Grades 5-9 Against All Odds: Statistics Middle School Math Middle School Math Teachers - Math Forum Middle School Math - Scholastic Math Hunt Interactive Activities Cat Math Cool Math 4 Kids Create a Graph from NCES Figure This: Take a Challenge Grid Club Math Games Illuminations from NCTM - Grades 6-8 ReviseWise Maths from BBC |
42explore BBC Schools - Ages 11-16 Eduscapes Middle School Hub Scholastic Activities Teacher Tap Teacher Pages Teacher Tap: Teacher and Classroom Pages