The following resources are designed for high school social studies students and their teachers. Teacher Tap: Social Studies Resources
EDSITEMENT: History and Social Studies - Grades 9-12 History/Social Studies Website for K-12 Teachers History & Social Studies from Blue Web'N History from the Internet Public Library History from the Multnomah County Library History and Science Studies from Discovery School's Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators History Websites from BBC Learning Social Science Resources from Chico High School Library Social Studies from HomeWorkSpot Social Studies: General from Internet4classrooms Social Studies: History from Internet4classrooms SOS Teacher: History from BBC Learning - Ages 14-16 |
42explore: Economics 42explore: Money EcEdWeb EconEdLink from the Marcopolo Project
Atlapedia Online Geography - Xpeditions National Geographic - Grades 9-12 Geography from Blue Web'N Maps from the Multnomah County Library MapQuest Maps on Us National Atlas of the United States National Geographic Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection from UT Social Studies: Geography from Internet4classrooms SOS Teacher: Geography from BBC Learning - Ages 14-16 TerraServer What Do Maps Show from USGS Visible Earth World Geography & Cartography from Discovery School's Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators Country Studies All of the Embassies of Washington DC Aneki BBC News Country Profiles Country Studies Information about places around the world Geography from Lonely Planet Travel and Country Guides World Bank: Exploring Countries & Regions World Factbook 2002 |
42explore: Patriotism Bens' Guide to US Government - 9-12 Government from Blue Web'N Government & Politics from the Multnomah Country Library GovSpot US History & Government from High School Hub Resources for Students Atlas of
US Presidential Elections by Dave Leip CSPAN Fed Stats FirstGov How Government
Stuff Works PBS Democracy
Project Political
Money Line Presidential
Biographies from PBS THOMAS US Census
Bureau Vote Smart US House
of Representatives US Senate White House
General Resources American History from Discovery School's Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators American History from Multnomah County Library Digital Classroom from US NARA Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Learning Pages from American Memory United States History from Blue Web'N US History & Government from High School Hub Resources for Students American
Civil War American
Memory Archiving
Early America Avalon
Project from Yale Law School Civil War
Home Page History
Channel Javanoir:
History and Culture Making
of America National
Women's History Project US National
Archives and Records 42explore 42explore: Automobile 42explore: Buffalo Soldiers 42explore: Civil War 42explore: Colonial Life 42explore: Gold Rush 42explore: The Great Depression 42explore: Harlem Renaissance 42explore: Historical Maps 42explore: Holocaust 42explore: Immigration 42explore: Industrial Revolution 42explore: Japanese-American Internment Camps 42explore: Jazz 42explore: Labor Movement 42explore: Lewis and Clark 42explore: Old West 42explore: Orphan Trains 42explore: Oregon Trail 42explore: Pioneer Life 42explore: Pony Express 42explore: Native Americans 42explore: Railroads 42explore: Revolutionary War 42explore: Trail of Tears 42explore: Underground Railroad 42explore: Wagons 42explore: War of 1812 42expore: Women's Suffrage Movement 42explore: World War I 42explore: World War II |
Ancient and World Culture and History General Resources Ancient History from BBC Learning Ancient & Classical Cultures from Multnomah County Library European History from Multnomah County Library Wars and World History from the Multnomah County Library World and Ancient History from Discovery School's Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators World History from BBC Learning World History from Blue Web'N World History from High School Hub Ancient Civilizations 42explore: Mythology Mr. Dowling's Electronic Passport Odyssey Online Ancient Africa 42explore: Ancient Africa Ancient Americas 42explore: Aztecs 42explore: Incas 42explore: Maya Collapse Ancient China 42explore: Ancient China Ancient Egypt 42explore: Egypt Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Rome 42explore: Ancient Rome Middle Ages 42explore: Castles 42explore: Medieval Times Middle Ages Renaissance 42explore: Renaissance Renasissance Explorers 42explore: Explorers 42explore: Vikings Resources for Students 20th Century
History Ancient
Egypt from the British Museum Ancient
Scripts Ancient
World Web Collapse
from EuroDocs:
Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe European
History Guide Exploring
Ancient World Cultures History
in the News: Middle East HyperHistory Internet
Ancient History Sourcebook Life in
Ancient Egypt from Carnegie Museum of Natural History Middle Ages Perseus
Digital Library Secrets
of Lost Empires from PBS Seven Wonders
of the World
42explore BBC Schools - Ages 11-16 Eduscapes Middle School Hub Scholastic Activities Teacher Tap Teacher Tap: Content Area Websites Teacher Pages Teacher Tap: Teacher and Classroom Pages