Digital Imaging

A digital camera takes photographs and video. A small, reusable chip, memory card/stick, floppy disk, CD, or tape is used to record and save the still and motion pictures. These images can then be uploaded to a computer or printer. A digital video camera is used predominately to record video. Some cameras such as a Handiscope or web cam are used mostly to send visual information rather than save it. Hand and pen scanners are also available. A tiny camera can also be attached to some PDAs.

Read more about digital imaging at 42explore: Photography.
Digital Imaging
Portable Keyboard
Other Devices
Teacher Tap Links
  • reusable
  • no film development
  • initial cost is still higher than film cameras
Classroom Ideas
Use photos in some of the following activities: Portfolios and yearbooks, Field trips, Class newspapers, Virtual museums, Nature projects, Open house activities, Screensavers, Journal writing
Take photos around the school and make a "school map" with photos (or park, playground, or town)
Take photos of dioramas, sculptures, and other creations
Create pictionaries, photo essays, and multimedia presentations to writing:
Take pictures of action words and things that can be described
Take pictures of opposites (big, small), named positions (in, out) and use them for writing activities.
Create an "I spy with my own eye" games using student photographs
Create an "I am thinking of ..." game using photos students take
Take pictures of words related to vocabulary; label photographs
Take pictures of objects of particular colors and create color games for young children
Take photographs and write dialogue to go with photos
Take photographs of children working; write about the work or play
Take pictures of prosocial activity and write about those activities: sharing, helping, thanking
Take photos that represent "emotions" and write about situations that make you feel a particular way
Take career photos and match tools, locations, and people to careers
Create games or quizzes using photographs
A Photo Series
Design an activity that might use a series of digital photos. Ideas:
Photos of any classroom activity and write the directions
Photos of steps in science experiment including materials, procedures, results
Photos of steps in cooking or safety
Photos over time: one day, weather event, building constructed, plant grows
Photos different angles: above, below, behind
Photos tell story: cause/effect, before/after, good/bad, proper/improper, example/nonexample, ABCs
Photos the show: plot, setting, characters, action, climax
Photos that show: yesterday, today, tomorrow & match to verbs and sequencing
Photos from a skit: ask students to place photos in order
Photos from a field trip: retell the event
Photo Combinations
Make creative combinations. Ideas:
Start with a photo of your head. Add a hat or modify your face. Put yourself in a wanted poster
Start with a photo of your body. Add new clothing or a new background.
Cut out photos add a backing of flannel, velcro, or magnets. Use in stories
Match photos and descriptive words
Create a clay or playdough object. Take a series of photos and place in software. Select animation option.

Selection | Synergy | PDAs | Digital Imaging | Portable Keyboard | Other Devices | Teacher Tap Links | Eduscapes

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Created by Annette Lamb, 05/02.