- Why images?
- We remember what we see ...
- Efficiency
- Specificity
- Emotion
- Why make images?
- Learn and share a concept
- Expres an idea
- Change an attitude
- Images
- Digital camera images
- Scanned pictures
- Still video captures
- Clip art
- Original drawings
- Graphics Creation
- Selecting
- Modifying
- Using
- Projects
- Desktop presentations
- Desktop publishing
- Multimedia projects
- Web pages
- http://www.hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu/home/projects/main.html
- http://www.hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu/home/projects/second/ja/ja.html
- Web Resources
- Broderbund
- Print Shop
- KidPix
- HyperStudio
- Adobe
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- http://www.printshop.com/archivecontent.html
- http://www.printshop.com/
- http://www.hyperstudio.com/
- http://www.adobe.com/
- http://www.adobe.com/studio/tipstechniques/photoshop.html
- http://www.adobe.com/studio/tipstechniques/brightideas/multilingual.html
- http://www.tema.ru/p/h/o/t/o/s/h/o/p/
- http://www.andyart.com/photoshop/
- http://www.cooltype.com/
- http://magic.usi.edu/educ568/lseifert/leann's_photography.htm
- http://hale.pepperdine.edu/~sljacobs/whykidpix/index.htm
- http://www.utah.edu/umfa/kidsmuse.html
- File Formats
- Application Specific
- http://www.adobe.com/studio/tipstechniques/GIFJPGchart/main.html
- Image Files
- Keep your original image
- digital camera file
- highest quality image
- Create an image that's the correct size
- don't scrunch
- don't expand
- Consider dpi: 72 screen, 300+ print
- Basic Modification
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Coloring
- Project Pizazz
- Filters
- colored pencil
- cut out
- neon glow
- knife palette
- plastic wrap
- radial blur
- brush: spatter
- distort: glass
- distort: pinch
- distort: ocean
- distort: polar coor.
- distort: shear
- distort: wave
- pixelate: color halftone
- pixelate: crystallize
- pixelate: mezzotint
- render: difference clouds
- sketch: bas relief
- sketch: graphic pen
- sketch: plaster
- sketch: waterpaper
- stylize: extrude
- stylize: find edges
- stylize: glow edges
- sketch: reticulation
- stylize: solarize
- stylize: tiles
- stylize: wind
- texture: craquelure
- texture: mosaic titles
- texture: patchwork
- texture: stained glass
- texture: texturizer
- Practice Activities
- Selecting - Marching Ants
- Drawing & Painting
- Filling & Erasing
- Copying, Pasting, Stamping
- Slurping & Smudging
- Sizing & Cropping
- Manipulation
- The Original
- What's with the cows?
- Button Practice
- Web projects
- Multimedia projects
- http://www.shortcourses.com/contents.htm
- http://Members.aol.com/Sabbeth/CrayonsandComputers.html
- http://www.unclefred.com/
- http://www.draw3d.com
- Digital Cameras
- School Projects
- Field Trips
- Desktop Publishing
- Multimedia
- http://www.dcresource.com/
- http://www.bradley.edu/exhibit/
- http://kodak.com/
- http://kodak.com/global/en/consumer/education/programs/composition/
- http://kodak.com/US/en/digital/dlc/
- Avoid faces
- http://www.illuminet.net/kerry/morepictures.htm
- Focus on "doing"
- Step-by-Steps
- Teacher Portfolios
- Student Projects
- Bulletin Boards
- Displays
- Activities
- Groups
- Fun
- Student Portfolios
- Group projects
- Wall displays
- Art projects
- Experiments
- Skits
- Use thumbnails
- http://www.starnet.isd-tx.net/alpha.html
- http://www.kodak.com/digitalImages/samples/cityPlaces.shtml
- http://www.okstate.edu/aesp/image.html
- http://www.seds.org/images/
- Scanning
- Paper
- Fabrics
- Objects
- Covers
- Lights
- Body Parts
- http://www.cmp.ucr.edu/
- http://www.cmp.ucr.edu/site/exhibitions/scanner/
- Composing Products
- Print
- Computer Screen
- Data Projection
- Composing: Print
- High resolution pictures: 300 dpi+
- Brightness
- Fonts
- Paper
- Products: Print
- Material
- paper, transparency film
- Printer
- type, quality, color
- Software Application
- file format, fonts
- Composing: Screen
- Small images or thumbnails
- Keep it simple
- Crop tight
- Horizontal image load fast
- Frames
- Use a table
- Use a fine line
- Product: Screen
- Multimedia
- resolution, file format, speed
- Web Page
- file size, browser, speed
- Composing: Projection
- Keep it simple
- Size
- Clarity
- Brightness
- Product: Projection
- Data Projector
- resolution, brightness
- Computer System
- connectivity, compatibility
- Your Applications
What are you doing with imaging?
- Classroom Applications
- Portraits
- Biographies
- Autobiographies
- Author Studies
- Oral Histories
- Character Studies
- Emotions
- Storytelling
- http://www.journalism.wisc.edu/epub/thedges/rm135.html
- Collages
- Biography
- Autobiography
- History Chain/Trace
- Contrasts
- Debate
- Quilt
- http://www.adobe.com/studio/tipstechniques/wpdphsd9/main.html
- http://www.adobe.com/studio/tipstechniques/phdhesports/main.html
- Children's Books
- Little House Books
- Ten Black Dots
- shapes
- stamps
- words
- colors
- math
- Brown Bear ...
- HyperStudio
- Digital Camera
- The Forest Has Eyes
- Photoshop
- HyperStudio
- Hidden Pictures
- http://www.arts.ufl.edu/art/rt_room/sparkers/
- http://www.hbschool.com/harcourtpages/justforkids/
- http://netvet.wustl.edu/pix.htm
- KidPix, Kidworks, Claris for Kids
- Easy
- Stamps
- Effects
- Slide Show
- Tool limits
- Text limits
- Follow ...
- KidPix
- Black History
- Stars
- Armadillo
- HyperStudio
- ClipArt
- Reading
- Social Studies
- http://www.mikesworld.net/landmarks.shtml
- http://www.renet.com/othercoolpages/images/travel/travel.htm
- http://www.arts.ufl.edu/art/rt_room/@rtroom_home.html
- http://www.arts.ufl.edu/art/rt_room/sparkers/community_map/map.html
- http://www.arts.ufl.edu/art/rt_room/sparkers/stormy/storm.html
- Art
- Explore art
- Experiment with digital images
- Apply design principles
- Express visually
- http://cmp1.ucr.edu/exhibitions/hoffer/
- http://www.hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu/
- History
- Become part of history
- History chain
- History collage
- Illustrate a report
- Develop a slide show
- Math
- Math problem-solving
- Math modeling
- Real-world applications
- architecture
- construction
- Language
- Illustrated stories
- Author studies
- Book reviews
- Character studies
- Language review
- Science
- Record an event
- Log an experiment
- Show relationships
- Create a new living thing
- Simulate a condition or event
- Illustrate a concept
- http://tqjunior.advanced.org/4397/
- Classroom Tips
- Keep it simple
- One card each
- Get them started
- Work in groups
- http://www.k12.hi.us/~kapunaha/volcano_main.htm
- Join a contest
- http://www.artcarte.com/artvark.html
- Provide examples
- http://bigsun.wbs.net/homepages/a/s/o/asourina/
- http://www.kaleidoscapes.com/current.html
- Remember Copyright
- Use clip art
- Cite resources
- Get permission for publishing
- Modify Anything!
- Before
- After
- Need More Info?

Maroon Bells, Colorado

Brightness & Contrast

Scan Objects

Books & KidPix

History & PhotoShop