Welcome middle school and high school teachers! Use this page to explore online resources that can help you meet the learning needs of your students. Read the task in the blue block. Then, use the links to help you help you complete the activity. The Resources A Dozen Ways to Meet Individual Needs
Start with the 42explore site. Then, look for the same 2-3 topics in other thematic starting places. Compare and contrast the results. How would these resources be helpful in addressing the individual differences in teens such as reading level, interests, and depth? Copy the URL of your favorites into your Word document. Thematic Starting Points
Middle School Starters
High School Starters
Related Resources
Educational Portals & Search Tools Some people like to use portals and others prefer search tools. Consider the pros and cons of each type of tool. Choose your favorite portal and your favorite search engine. Which tools would be the most helpful in providing resources to differentiate learning? For example, which would help you find visuals, sounds, or videos? Which would help you find extra practice for special needs? Which would be helpful in locating materials for a particular reading level? Educational Portals
Middle School Portals
High School Portals
Search Tools
Use the following links to explore specific content area resources. Explore the general resources or click Resources for Children.
Selected Subject Starters
Start with The Gateway. Try the same search using each of the following lesson plan tools. Then, use Google and add the word lesson to your search such as tornado lesson.
Middle School Starters High School Starters