WebQuest Template Your Title  

Throughout the template you will find text in the color red. Replace this text with the information for your unit. Remove any other text that does not apply to your project.

Your introduction goes here. Provide a catchy introduction that will motivate, set the stage, and gain the attention of your learners. It may also provide some background information. Consider a quote, statistic, scenario, or problem. Create a motivating introduction.


Provide a clear, concise, active statement of the activity. The task should be something doable and interesting. For example, it could be a series of questions, summary to be created, problem to be solved, position to be debated, or creative work. It should require thinking and doing. Use the Taxomony of Tasks for ideas. Create a couple sentences stating the task.

Process and Resources

  1. What process will students follow to complete the task? Will you provide them with a list of activities, step-by-step instructions, or a timeline? Create a step-by-step description of what you expect students to do during the project.
  2. What resources will students need to complete the task? Select specific, appropriate resources such as web documents, experts available via Internet, searchable net databases, books and other documents, and real objects. Create a list of resources.

Project Guidelines

Use the following guidelines for completing your project:

  • Do you have any other advice for students? Do they need to know how to organize information? Will you give them guiding questions, directions to complete, checklists, timelines, concept maps, cause-effect diagrams, or action plan guidelines? How will students be evaluated? Will you provide checklists and other evaluation tools? Brainstorm advice that might be helpful for students in completing the project.


How will the project conclude? Will you remind learners about what they've learned or encourage learners to extend the experience? Describe an interesting culminating activity that allows students to reflect on the experience and share their skills and knowledge with others.

  Developed by your name and email address. This template is based on Bernie Dodge's WebQuest ideas.