- Return
to Eduscapes
- Web
- Developing
Practice Web-based Course
- Annette
- alamb@eduscapes.com
- Are you overwhelmed by the prospect of
integrating web-based materials into your
courses? Do your distance learning
materials need pizazz? Are you frustrated
by the endless list of constantly changing
software and hardware options? Rather than
chasing after the latest technology, this
workshop will emphasize practical
approaches to developing useful web-based
course materials. The turtle won the race
by walking, not running! Effective
distance education programs begin with the
careful creation of quality course
materials. This workshop will explore a
variety of techniques for incorporating
existing web-based materials into your
courses, as well as developing new
instructional materials. Addressing the
individual learning styles of students is
critical in developing effective online
courses. The workshop will examine
strategies for building meaningful online
activities and assessments that meet the
needs of different types of learners. From
authoring tools such as WebCT to
programming languages such as JAVA, there
are many ways to build web-based courses.
Regardless of the tools you choose or your
level of technical expertise, the steps in
designing and developing specialized
single pages, web-based courses, and web
sites is the same. The workshop will end
by exploring the keys to an effective
web-based course.
- Walk the Web!
- Walk, Don't Run - Start Slow
- Web-based
- Resources
- Activities
- Lessons
- Units
- Courses
- http://bensguide.gpo.gov/
- http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/Lessons/
- http://www.smplanet.com/imperialism/teacher.html
- http://www.smplanet.com/civilwar/civilwar.html
- http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/physics/clea/ASTRO.html
- Course Materials
- Address Learning Styles
- Incorporate Existing Resources
- Create New Resources
- Address Learning Styles
- Web Course Starters
- Blending Technologies
- Self-Paced Learning
- Varied Activities, Products, Assessment
- Web Course Starters
- Entry skills
- distance learning
- Internet use
- study skills
- review links
- Quiz: Is this course right for me?
- http://www.studyspanish.com/index.htm
- http://www.atlantic.edu/studinfo/online/webct/webct.html
- http://webct.prenhall.com/public/goldfield1/Is_DL_4_Me.htm
- Blend Technologies
- Books
- Email
- Phone & Fax
- Discussions
- Web pages
- Videotapes
- 2-way video
- Who Moved My Cheese?
- Book & Movie
- Websites
- Collaborative Project
- http://www.whomovedmycheese.com/
- http://www.whirlpool.com/wp_home.html
- http://www.xerox.com/
- http://www.hallmark.com/
- Self-Paced Learning
- Ideas:
- Use a metaphor or analogy: books, maps, parks
- Provide difference formats
- Guide learners
- Provide support - chats, forums
- http://papyr.com/hypertextbooks/
- Provide Variety
- Activities, Products, Assessments
- Think individual differences
- multiple intelligences
- channels of communication
- http://www.graphic.org/goindex.html
- http://www.outreach.psu.edu/de/id&D/media_selection_matrix.html
- Incorporate Existing Resources
- WebQuest
- Resource-Rich
- Web + Activity
- Data + Activity
- Best Resource
- Helper Resource
- Communication
- WebQuest
- Inquiry-based learning w/ web
- Introduction
- Task
- Process and Resources
- Learning Guidance
- Assessment
- Conclusion
- http://education.nmsu.edu/webquest/wq/fairy/culture_tales.htm
- Resource-Rich Website
- Information
- Diagrams
- Examples and Nonexamples
- Practice
- What does this website provide that enhances
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/modern/mainmenu/mainhtm.htm
- Website + Activity
- Start with a good informational website and ask
- Retelling
- Compilation
- Application
- Analysis
- Creation
- http://daphne.palomar.edu/anthro/tutorial.htm
- Real Data + Activity
- Preview the data
- Check data entry dates/info
- Develop a specific activity
- What real-world data or primary source documents
do you use in your teaching?
- http://www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm
- Best Resource
- What's the best use of the technology?
- currency
- interactivity
- movement
- visuals
- http://www.davidrumsey.com/
- Helper Resource
- Online
- encyclopedia
- tutorial
- helpers
- tools
- http://www.megaconverter.com/
- http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/silva.htm
- http://eduscapes.com/start.html
- Communication
- Interview a professional
- Email a web master
- Ask an expert
- Debate an issue
- Collaborate on a project
- http://expertcentral.com
- Selecting Resources
- Explore:
- Layout & Organization Technique
- Teaching and Learning Quality
- Explore Formatting
- Look for:
- Use of white space
- Chunking of information
- Layout of information
- Navigation tools
- Use of fonts
- Use of visuals
- http://edweb.sdsu.edu/EDTEC/EDTEC_home.html
- http://cyberschool.4j.lane.edu/
- http://www.learnfree.com/
- http://www.ehow.com/home/
- http://www.freetutorials.com/index.asp
- http://www.smartplanet.com
- http://www.hungryminds.com/
- http://www.learnthenet.com/english/index.html
- http://www.free-ed.net/catalog/
- http://www.corningware-eschool.com/
- Explore Teaching
- Look for:
- Clarity of presentation
- Use of examples & nonexamples
- Practice opportunities
- Additional help: glossary, visuals, review
- http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/
- http://www.learn-cpr.com/
- http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/problem_sets/ph/ph.html
- http://www.sweethaven.com/warehouse/0203/acee02/frac003.htm
- http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/state/chapter2.htm
- Create New Resources
- Ebooks & Modules
- Web Activities
- Web Courses
- Ebooks & Modules
- Table of Contents
- Text, Graphics, Multimedia
- Hypertext Pages
- Glossary links
- Links to visuals
- Related websites
- http://www.umanitoba.ca/anthropology/tutor/kinmenu.html
- http://eawc.evansville.edu/index.htm
- Web Activities
- Web Development Tools
- HTML Programming
- Word, Composer, Freebies
- Frontpage, Pagemill, Homepage
- Templates
- Web Page Utilities
- http://www.filamentality.com/
- Web Courses
- Course Development Tools
- WebCT, Blackboard
- http://WebCT.com/
- Use Free Tools
- http://blackboard.com
- http://
- http://
- http://
- Web Walking
- Start with online
- syllabus, calendar & information
- resource lists
- activities
- Ask yourself:
- What's the purpose of using the web?
- http://magic.usi.edu/sand/syllabus.html
- Web Jumping
- Course Development
- activities
- units
- courses
- http://www.blackboard.com/courses/4199/
- Web-Based Materials
- Syllabus
- Assignments
- Activities
- Information
- Instruction
- Links
- The links make it work together!
- http://magic.usi.edu/educ568/index.html
- Syllabus
- Goals and objectives
- Activities
- Schedule/Calendar
- Evaluation
- provide alternative
- views: maps, paper
- http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/
- Assignments
- Guidelines
- Directions
- Criteria for Evaluation
- Due Dates
- Links to Samples
- connect ideas visually
- Activities
- On and off computer activities
- Worksheets, Questions, Guidelines
- Step-by-Step Instructions
- Links to resources
- provide variety
- Information
- Lecture notes and video scripts
- Online textbooks and modules
- Articles and readings
- Desktop presentation
- Charts, diagrams
- Videos & audios
- Links
- "Lecture" Notes
- Basic notes,
- no links
- with links
- with visuals
- with multimedia
- Types of notes,
- lecture notes, readings, book
- http://www.cee.umn.edu/dis/courses/HIST1011_4821_01.www/course/index.html
- http://www.pagesz.net/~stevek/index.html
- http://www.pagesz.net/~stevek/europe/lecture14.html
- http://tqd.advanced.org/3310/
- Lecture Notes
- Are they stand-alone?
- Are they in paragraph form or outline?
- Are they logically organized?
- Do they included supportive visuals, diagrams, or
- http://www.phy.syr.edu/courses/modules/SETI/TUTORIAL/timelength1.html
- http://us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/
- Online Textbooks & Modules
- Do you have permission to use the
- Have you protected the information with a
copyright notice?
- Is the information organized for easy printing or
font resizing?
- Is the font size, type, and color easy to
- Articles & Readings
- Article Reprints: Do you have permission to
reproduce the articles?
- Article Links: What happens if the article link
- http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/
- Desktop Presentations
- Is it easy to move between slides?
- Can the slides stand alone or is additional
explanation needed?
- Are the slides on the web or do they need to be
downloaded? Do students have needed software?
- Visuals
- Photographs
- Charts
- Diagrams
- Graphs
- Are the visuals easy to read?
- Can students easily print out?
- http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/WebPath/webpath.html
- http://em-ntserver.unl.edu/NEGAHBAN/EM373/Intro.htm
- http://em-ntserver.unl.edu/NEGAHBAN/EM373/note12-B/note.htm
- Multimedia
- Animations
- Audio
- Video
- Do students have the hardware, software, and
plug-ins needed?
- http://www.biointeractive.org/grants/lectures/biointeractive/index.html
- http://www.lamc.utexas.edu/fr/home.html
- http://www.musictheory.halifax.ns.ca/
- Links
- Starting Points
- Primary Sites
- Supplemental Sites
- Activity Sites
- Ezines, journals, magazines, readings
- http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/scholarsdesktop/index.html
- http://www.iTools.com/research-it/research-it.html
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/filamentality/ex.hotlist.html
- http://www.careermosaic.com
- http://www.financenter.com
- http://webmd.com/
- http://www.wsrn.com
- Instruction
- Case Studies
- Virtual Field Trips
- Practice and Testing
- Simulations
- Tutorials
- http://www.omsi.edu/sln/air/
- http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/Learning/AutoCAD/
- Student Projects
- Class projects posted
- Students creates and uploads
- Student creates, instructor uploads
- Instructor creates and uploads
- http://library.thinkquest.org/library/index.html
- http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5116/
- Course Materials
- Manage Course Activities
- Disseminate Information
- Communicate Information
- Guide Learning
- http://academic.emporia.edu/smithwil/00sum476/
- Manage Activities
- Distribute course syllabi
- Make assignments
- Distribute calendar and due dates
- Coordinate meetings but people like paper...
- Disseminate Info
- Articles and readings
- Lecture outlines
- but they ...
- think more reading
- miss lectures
- Communicate Info
- Class discussions
- Submit project/assignments to instructor
- Collaborate on projects
- Communicate with people
- but it takes prodding...
- Guide Learning
- Clarify assignments
- Communicate with individual students
- Provide students with feedback and grades
- Ask and respond to questions
- but keep a spreadsheet...
- http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/genobc/index.html
- What you thought...
- One-time prep
- Less work
- Exciting
- Stimulating
- No class meeting?
- Virtual class
- Email
- Chats
- Video conferencing
- Phone calls
- Individual conferences
- No paperwork?
- Email
- Web pages
- Videos
- Audiotapes
- PowerPoint presentations
- HyperStudio stacks
- No lectures?
- Web page development
- Active involvement strategies
- One-on-one mentoring
- Tutoring
- Web Walking Tips
- Formative Evaluation
- Journals/Logs of Work time
- Demonstrate Materials Use
- Clickable Map/Calendar
- Process Checks
- Conferencing & Class Interaction
- Keep Learning
- Distance learning
- articles
- resources
- courses
- http://allaboutyourownwebsite.com/
- http://distancelearn.about.com/education/distancelearn/
- http://www.geteducated.com/
- http://www.uidaho.edu/evo/distglan.html
- Web Walk!
- The turtle won the race by walking, not
- Keep it simple.
- Add one idea at a time.
- Start by web walking!
- Books on Distance Learning
- Lamb, A. (1998)
- Spinning the Web: Developing Class & School
Web Pages
- Lamb, A. & Smith, W. (1999)
- Virtual Sandcastles: Teaching and Learning at a
- For more information, http://eduscapes.com/v2a
Created by Annette
Lamb, 10/00