Walk, Don't Run -- Start
- Web-based
- Resources
- Activities
- Lessons
- Units
- Courses
- http://www.smplanet.com/imperialism/teacher.html
- http://www.smplanet.com/civilwar/civilwar.html
- http://cml.rice.edu:80/~lanius/frac/
- http://weber.u.washington.edu/~chudler/neurok.html
- http://www.omsi.edu/sln/air/
- http://tqd.advanced.org/3310/
- http://tqd.advanced.org/3543/
- http://anatomy.uams.edu
- Email Management
- Manage Activities
- distribute course syllabi
- make assignments
- distribute calendar and due dates
- coordinate meetings
- Disseminate Info
- articles and readings
- lecture outlines
- Communicate Info
- class discussions
- submit project/assignments to instructor
- collaborate on class projects
- communicate with people
- Guide Learning
- clarify assignments
- communicate with individual students
- provide students with feedback and grades
- ask and respond to questions
- http://www.askanexpert.com/askanexpert/
Web-Based Materials
- Syllabus
- Assignments
- Activities
- Information
- Instruction
- Links
- http://hum.lss.wisc.edu/hist102/
- Syllabus
- Goals and objectives
- Activities
- Schedule/Calendar
- Evaluation
- Assignments
- Guidelines
- Directions
- Criteria for Evaluation
- Due Dates
- Links to Samples
- Activities
- On and off computer activities
- Worksheets, Questions, Guidelines
- Step by Step Instructions
- Links to resources
- http://www.adventureonline.com/game/index.html
- Information
- Lecture notes
- Video scripts
- Desktop presentation slides
- Charts, diagrams, graphs
- Articles and readings
- Links
- Modules (consistent)
- http://www.careermosaic.com
- http://www.financenter.com
- http://www.aicr.org
- http://www.wsrn.com
- http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/
- http://magic.usi.edu/magic/subjectareas/diversity/culturaldiversity.html
- http://epn.org/idea
- http://www.tiac.net/users/eldred/nh/hawthorne.html
- http://www.iTools.com/research-it/research-it.html
- Instruction
- Case Studies
- Virtual Field Trips
- Practice and Testing
- Simulations
- Tutorials
- http://garnet.acns.fsu.edu/~chofack/homework.html
- http://www.mecc.com/mayaquest.html
- http://www.bwsailing.com/SOC.html
- http://www.execulink.com/%7Eekimmel/
- http://www.hmco.com/hmco/school/geo/indexhi.html
- http://edtech.unitec.ac.nz/volcano/home.html
- http://tqd.advanced.org/2760/
- http://tqd.advanced.org/3088/
- http://www.artdsm.com/piano/exam1.html
- Links
- Starting Points
- Primary Sites
- Supplemental Sites
- Activity Sites
- Ezines, journals, magazines,
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/filamentality/ex.hotlist.html
- Student Projects
- Class projects posted
- Students creates and uploads
- Student creates, instructor
- Instructor creates and uploads
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/art/art/html
- http://magic.usi.edu
- Web Walking Tips
- Formative Evaluation
- Journals/Logs of Worktime
- Demonstrate Materials Use
- Clickable Map/Calendar
- Return to Lamb's
Presentation Page.
Developed by Annette
Lamb, 1997.