Web Weaving
- Business as usual for many of today's
kids and teens!
- ...what about the students who don't
have access at home?
- http://www.humboldt1.com/~gralsto/einstein/einstein.html
- Classroom Pages
- Class
- Assignments
- Instructional Content
- Project Sharing
- Links
- http://buckman.pps.k12.or.us/room100/room100.html
- http://www.rochester.k12.mn.us/john-marshall/overton/cwproj/main/civilframe.html
- Who does what?
- Teacher make, student use
- Teacher make, student add
- Teacher starts, student
- Students make, they use
- Students make, others add
- Students make, others use
- http://www.minnetonka.k12.mn.us/groveland/insect.proj/invite.html
- http://www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/KidDay/
- http://www.oxnardsd.org/campus/frem/sci/scifi.html
- http://www.owt.com/phs/classrooms/peto/studentport/ramsey/kimberly.html
- http://advicom.net/~e-media/kv/poetry1.html
- http://ousd.k12.ca.us/melrose/melrose.html
- Kids Helping Kids
- Tips for writers
- Ideas for web developers
- Ways to replicate a
- Sharing requests
- Opportunities
- Friendship :-)
- http://www.countyconnections.org/projects/vistadlc/cruces/intro.html
- http://www.inform.umd.edu/UMS+State/UMD-Projects/MCTP/Technology/School_WWW_Pages/Storytellers/HowWeDidIt.html
- Communication
- Email Sharing
- Surface Mail Sharing
- Collaborative Projects
- Peer Writing
- http://www.gsn.org/project/woodsy/index.html
- http://home.pacbell.net/theburns/ollie1.htm
- http://web.ccsd.k12.wy.us/sunflower/dmquilt.html
- http://www.greeceny.com/ls/grade4/
- Publishing
- Writings, Artwork, Music, and
Multimedia Creations
- Information Resources
- Experiences
- Inquiry, Action, & Research
- Demonstrations/Experiments
- Virtual Field Trips
- http://members.aol.com/Apples2nd/index.html
- http://cmp1.ucr.edu/exhibitions/hoffer/collage/collage.html
- http://web.ccsd.k12.wy.us/sunflower/Acuna/facts.html
- http://www.museum.state.il.us/mic_home/newton/project/
- http://www.museum.state.il.us/mic_home/newton/project/museum_visit.html
- http://envirolink.org/EcoLink/chick.html
- http://pen1.pen.k12.va.us/Anthology/Div/Albemarle/Schools/Crozet/ClassPages/Woodward/weather/weatherhome.html
- http://www.miamisci.org/pigeons/
- http://www.iu13.k12.pa.us/lampstras/hschool/physics/home.html
- http://www.netlink.co.uk/users/itcentre/hilton/birdtable/
- http://www.netlink.co.uk/users/itcentre/hilton/marsden/
- School
- Projects
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Guidelines
- Professional Look
- Logical Layout
- Publishing
- Text
- Audience
- Download Options
- Update
- Content
- Student Involvement
- Topical Focus
- Columns
- Special Features
- Advertising
- http://www.nando.net/links/nandonext/next.html
- http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/jrseahaw.html
- http://www.pixi.com/~kailuah2/surfrider/masthead.html
- http://home.interlynx.net/~opark/
- http://homer.louisville.edu:80/~mfpetr01/litmag/litmag.html
- http://www.yahoo.com/News_and_Media/Newspapers/K_12/
- Project Topics
- A Photo Essay
- Interview with Witness
- Sketch timeline
- Movie Review
- Formal essay
- Trivia Game or Quiz
- On-line Newspaper
- Project Topics
- Poetry With illustrations
- Maps of Historical Events
- Letter to lawmaker
- Review of web links
- Biographical sketch
- Fictional short story
- On-line Debate
- http://www.fred.net/nhhs/project/civrts.htm
- Project Design
- Development Tools
- Organization
- Multimedia Elements
- Beyond Information
- Evaluation
- Development Tools
- Word Processor
- Graphics Software
- HTML Code Book
- Claris Home Page
- Adobe Pagemill
- Microsoft Front Page
- Project
- Main Menu
- titles
- icons
- graphics
- tables
- maps
- http://www.greeceny.com/arm/welch/
- http://www.peoples.net/~southbd/
- http://cyberfair.gsn.org/dodson/japan97/japan97.htm
- http://gsh.org/jeffweb/97/index.html
- Multimedia
- Photographs
- Line Drawings
- Color Graphics
- Sounds
- Music & Speeches
- Movies
- Animation
- http://anfi.pacit.tas.gov.au/fahan/Compute/Flores/pgone.html
- http://home.revealed.net/mid/ourbutterflygarden.html
- http://www.marin.k12.ca.us/~ncsweb/lch/lch1.html
- http://www.hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu/home/projects/first/cotton/cotton.html
- http://cyberfair.gsn.org/woodside/mystery.htm
- http://met.open.ac.uk/heronsgate/projects/hastings/hastings.html
- http://met.open.ac.uk/heronsgate/projects/buggy/buggy.html
- Beyond Information
- Links
- Quizzes
- Calls for Action, Feedback,
- http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/months.htm
- http://www.burbank.k12.ca.us/~luther/aztecs/aztec.html
- http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/WWII_Women/tocCS.html
- http://www.fred.net/nhhs/project/note.htm
- Evaluation
- Outside
- Online
- Teacher
- Peer
- Self
- http://www.owt.com/phs/classrooms/peto/index97.html
- Explore Projects
- Individual, Classroom,
- One shot vs Ongoing
- Paper, email, or web
- Sharing, collaborate,
- Thematic, inquiry,
- Multimedia elements
- Interactivity: links,
- http://www.gsn.org/
- http://www.reedbooks.com.au/heinemann/global/project.html
- http://www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/
- http://www.pitsco.com/p/collab.html
- http://www1.minn.net:80/~schubert/NickNacks.html
- http://www.eduplace.com/hmco/school/projects/online.html
- http://www.hmco.com/hmco/school/projects/index.html
- Student Web Roles
- Explorer
- Learner
- Teacher
- Publisher
- Contributor
- Collaborator
- Creator
- Web Weaver Tips
- Start small and build
- Collaborate globally
- Organize small groups
- Integrate links
- Ask for ideas
- Update
- Have fun!
- Look for a new book by Annette Lamb
coming Spring 1998 -
- Spinning the Web: Designing and
Developing Web Pages with Kids
- Return to Lamb's