- Windows
to the World:
- A
Dozen Ideas for Teaching and Learning at a
- Annette
- alamb@eduscapes.com
- Interactive communication systems such
as two-way video, email, and web-based
information sharing have given educators
and their students exciting windows to the
world beyond the classroom. This session
explores practical, meaningful examples of
engaging educators and their students
through technology. A dozen ideas will be
provided for teaching and learning at a
distance. Topics include active learning,
authentic resources, real-world audiences,
problem solving, information processing,
creativity, communication, collaboration,
competition, motivation, multiple
perspectives, and global connections.
Finally, the session will focus on
leadership strategies for opening these
windows to the world.

- Why two-way video?
- Beyond passive viewing
- Active, Interactive, Proactive
- Why network connections?
- Beyond books
- Information
- Consumers, Contributors, Collaborators
- A Dozen Key
- Focus on small steps to success
- Active Learning
- Focus on students...
- demonstrating circuits
- acting out a fable
- persuading others to take action
- Sand Project
- http://www.chariho.k12.ri.us/curriculum/MISmart/ocean/sands.htm
- Authentic Resources
- Business Connections
- Career Explorations
- Panel Discussions
- Olympic Athletes
- Author Interviews
- University Representatives
- http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/ltc/
- Video Conferencing Adventure
- http://www.marshall-es.marshall.k12.tn.us/jobe/Read-Write/environment/adventures.html
- Expert Central
- http://expertcentral.com/
- Video Conferencing Directory
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/vidconf/directory.html
- Real-World Audiences
- Share and Perform
- Role-play
- event
- historical figure
- literary figure
- point of view
- Thanksgiving Project
- http://sunset.k12.il.us/projects/virtualthanks/vt.html
- Problem Solving
- Science experiments
- Social issue debates
- Bread molding
- science
- social studies
- Tomato project
- Collaborative Project Ideas
- http://k12science.ati.stevens-tech.edu/collabprojs.html
- 2000 Sharing Project
- http://www.angelfire.com/sk2/2000project/index.html
- Information Processing
- Current events
- Historical documents
- Business plans
- Discussions
- Debates
- Polls & Surveys
- Florida Courts Projects
- http://www.flcourts.org/
- Creativity
- Artwork
- Skits
- Dances
- Cinco de Mayo
- Native American
- Musical Instruments
- http://creativity.net/kidcast2.html
- http://creativity.net/KidCast/kc6help.html
- Communication
- Live action
- Power Point
- HyperStudio
- Inspiration
- Email
- Chat
- Native Plants Projects
- http://www.smanet.org/high_school_student_work..htm
- Collaboration
- Work together toward a goal
- Information
- exchange
- sharing
- creation
- Orchards
- Across the Miles: Canada and US
- http://www.plpsd.mb.ca/cvs/grade4/grassroots/page2.html
- http://www.plpsd.mb.ca/cvs/grade4/grassroots/page5.html
- Competition
- ThinkQuest
- http://library.advanced.org
- Globalschoolhouse
- http://globalschoolhouse.org/project/index.html
- http://globalschoolhouse.org/cf/
- Motivation
- Springboards
- Enthusiasm
- Smiles
- Choosing to learn more...
- Endanged Animals
- http://www.tenan.vuurwerk.nl
- Bats
- http://www.siec.k12.in.us/cannelton/indianabat.htm
- Multiple Perspectives
- Look at multiple perspectives
- school uniforms
- gun control
- elections
- lumber
- genetic engineering
- School Uniform Discussion
- http://www.eps.vic.edu.au/vicconf/vidconf.htm
- Global Learning
- Explore
- diverse cultures
- environmental, ethnic, political,
- economic differences
- Time 2000
- http://www.timeproject.org/activities.htm
- Making it
- Distance Learning Environment
- Student as teacher
- Teacher as facilitator
- Community as resource
- One-shot Events
- Projects
- Ongoing Activities
- Courses
- The Value of Video
- Visual learning
- Auditory learning
- Real-world experiences
- Authentic sharing
- Teacher Teaming
- Start with 2 teachers
- Complimentary teaching skills
- Shared curriculum
- Shared expertise
- Start small
- Animal Diaries Project
- http://www.tesan.vuurwerk.nl/diaries/
- Leadership
- Do it yourself
- Share over video
- Expand the project
- Chemistry Project
- http://www.usi.edu/extserv/kidschem/
- What about the bugs?
- Fail Forward
- Technology
- enhance
- expand
- enrich
- engage
- Rhino Cam
- http://web2.si.edu/organiza/museums/zoo/hilights/webcams/molerat1/rhino1/rhcam.htm
- What about negative attitudes?
- Provide time
- Support technology
- Provide opportunities
- Encourage risk taking
- Share small successes!
- Measuring success
- Test scores
- Portfolios
- Project results
- Individual successes
- Life long learning
- Community impact
- Windows to the World
- Look through a window
- Open a window
- Invent new kinds of windows
- Enjoy learning!
- Become a life-long learner
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Created by Annette
Lamb, 7/00