At the Airport

Our fun began at the Dallas-Fort Worth Texas airport. We told the woman at the ticket counter that Annette, Arrion, and Flat were all flying to Asia. The agent at the counter allowed Flat to help check everyone in on the computer.

Flat tried using the Self-Service checkin, but he kept getting stuck in the machine.

Since we were leaving the country, everyone had to show their passport. The passport was just the right size for Flat.


The agent put luggage claim tags on our bags. She told us that they would fly all the way to China and meet us there.

Flat thought that checking in was fun.

After checking in, we had to go through security. We weren't allowed to take any pictures there. Arrion had to stop and have her bags checked. She has diabetes, so she has to carry medicine and needles in her bag. We decided that security was doing a good job. One security person knew about Flat Stanley. Flat is very famous in North America.

Since we got to the airport two hours early, we had lots of time to sit in the waiting area and read. After a while, Flat got hungry so we all decided to have warm pretzels.

We had to show our passport and boarding pass when we got on the plane. Flat was really excited about riding in a plane for this first time.


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Developed by Annette Lamb, 11/02.