Information Investigator
Maya loves school, but she doesn't always enjoy reading. However she becomes fascinated when her teacher describes the plight of immigrants. She wonders what it would be like to ride a ship across the ocean to a new home or walk miles through the desert seeking freedom.
Her mind becomes filled with questions. Why would people leave their homes to go to a new land? What would it be like to leave all your friends behind? Maya's teacher notices her interest and suggests that she go to the school library to find a couple books she might be interested in reading.
Rather than just sending her to the library, the teacher gives her a bright yellow "Information Investigator Badge" so they media specialist will know that she's on a special mission. Maya is thrilled with the attention and handles the badge carefully as she walks to the library.
Her positive experience with the Information Investigator Badge spilled over into other areas. When her teacher asked for volunteers to create a skit for younger students about maintaining a healthy body, Maya volunteered. They used clipboards for both planning and as part of their skit.
Grade 4 Science Standards:
- Investigate, such as by using microscopes, to see that living things are made mostly of cells.
- Describe that human beings have made tools and machines, such as x-rays, microscopes, and computers, to sense and do things that they could not otherwise sense or do at all, or as quickly, or as well.
- Explain that food provides energy and materials for growth and repair of body parts. Recognize that vitamins and minerals, present in small amounts in foods, are essential to keep everything working well. Further understand that as people grow up, the amounts and kinds of food and exercise needed by the body may change.
- Explain that if germs are able to get inside the body, they may keep it from working properly. Understand that for defense against germs, the human body has tears, saliva, skin, some blood cells, and stomach secretions. Also note that a healthy body can fight most germs that invade it. Recognize, however that there are some germs that interfere with the body's defenses.
- Explain that there are some diseases that human begins can only catch once. Explain that there are many diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations, so that people do not catch them even once.
Explore Ms. Anderson's involvement as an instructional specialist.
Explore clipboards used by student information scientists.