Instructional Specialist:
High School Media Specialist
Mr. Washington has transformed his traditional high school library into an exciting, popular learning laboratory. Whether hanging out at a table in the library's "coffee shop" or working with a small group in a laptop learning cluster, the library is the center of the school learning activities. After school the "coffee shop" is often scheduled for poetry slams, bluegrass jams, and music listening clubs.
Senior Projects
Mr. Washington is well-known for his innovative approach to senior projects. His goal is to help students identify meaningful, relevant projects that will have a real impact on the life of the student and maybe even the community.
Explore Eric's investigation for more detail.
Information Interns
Seeking ways to involve more students in cross-curricular projects, Mr. Washington developed an Information Intern program. Selected students team with teachers and the media specialist to develop videos, websites, instructional materials, and other useful products. Students are able to gain course credit and often incorporate their projects into their emerging portfolios.
Explore Alano's investigation for more detail.
Laptop Learning Clusters
While analyzing use data and observing center traffic patterns, Mr. Washington noticed that many students came to the center in small groups to work on projects. As a result, Mr. Washington redesigned areas to promote small group laptop use.
Explore Sabrina's investigation for more detail.
Popular Materials
Mr. Washington seeks materials that promote a wide range of reading and viewing experiences. In addition, he works with teachers to promote activities that connect to leisure reading and viewing opportunities.
Explore Dylan's investigation for more detail.
The high school science department and Mr. Washington are partnering on a project to promote reading in the sciences. Each science course is incorporating a fiction or non-fiction flexible reading requirement. Some courses are requiring that students read articles from popular magazines such as Scientific American, while others are allowing students to select a book connected to some aspect of the course content.
Explore Jamal's investigation for more detail.
Electronic Resources
Mr. Washington works with a group of high school students to explore ways to best help students access electronic resources inside and outside school. He also explores ways to help students organize and publish their work online.
Explore Cody's investigation for more detail.
Community Connections
Bringing in outside speakers and resources draw a variety of students into the center. For example, Mr. Washington regularly sponsors health care fairs focusing on topics such as weight control and diabetes.
Explore Miranda's investigation for more detail.