Update: April-May 2004

From Colorado, we headed back to our cabin in southern Missouri for a couple of months. Between teaching classes, completing some maintenance on the cabin and motorhome, and taking trips to Illinois and Texas, it was a busy few weeks.

Sylvester on mowerIllinois in April

In late-April we took a trip in the Jeep to Illinois for both work and family time. Larry spent some time working on finishing the remodeling of his dad's bathroom.

Sylvester (photo on right) still enjoys mowing the lawn and tending to his large garden.



Memorial Day Weekend

dad geocachingAfter spending much of May in Texas, we were back in Branson for the Memorial Day Weekend. Annette's mom and dad came there for a visit.

Annette and her dad took a hike and reset the Henning Glade geocache near Branson. Wildflowers including Indian Paintbrush and cone flowers were everywhere.


They found a great spot near the overlook (below) for the geocache. The view included much of Branson in the distance.

annette geocaching

Turtle Alert

Annette watching turtleAfter setting the cache they decided to explore some of the other trails. Annette heard a rustling sound in the leaves near the trail and found a cute turtle. The ornate box turtle is found throughout Missouri. He was very photogenic as you can see in the pictures below.


closeup of turtleturtle

Leaving the turtle in place, Annette and her Dad continued down the trail past an old streambed, then hiked back up to the car.

branson streambed

Great Eats

bbq in bransonAnnette's uncle Bob and sister-in-law from Carol came to visit. We took then to our favorite place in Branson, the Bar-B-Que & Burger Shop. The photo below (from left to right, Larry, Annette, Nancy, Carol, Bob) shows what's left of their sign after the 2002 fire.

Great Shows

We really enjoy going to some of the Branson shows, but we often don't have enough time. This trip we attended two performances. On May 1st we saw Harvey Korman and Tim Conway at the Grand Palace. Larry and I were both big fans of the Carol Burnett Show, so we knew we'd enjoy the show.

In late May, we went to see Andy Williams and Ann Margret. They were both great! In the photo below, Annette and Larry posed with the cardboard cutout of Andy Williams.

Annette, Andy Williams, and Larry

Created by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 7/04.