Old Fall River Scenic Drive

One of our favorite drives in the Rocky Mountain National Park is along the gravel, one-way road known as Old Fall River Road. Since it doesn't open until early July, we're often gone before we can take a drive. We took most of a day to make this beautiful drive, stopping on the way to hike along the river to Chasm Falls.

chasm falls sketchingchasm falls

Fall River Road

We stopped several times along the road to enjoy the views.

The photo on the left shows one of our stops. Close to the Jeep, we saw an animal trail leading up the mountain.




top of mountain
We walked the trail to the top of a ridge and were rewarded with a great view back toward the Fall River Visitor Center.

We saw lots of wild flowers along the road and on our hikes.

chasm falls sketching

After a stop at the shops at the Alpine Visitor Center, we headed down the mountain.

Picnic at Glacier Basin

Rather than eating at the RV, we decided to stop at the Glacier Basin picnic area for supper. And instead of using a picnic table, we spread out our blanket on a rock in the river.

picnic on the rock

bull elk

On the way home we encountered a group of bull elk. We spent some time photographing and watching their behavior.

It was a great day.

bull elk

Created by Annette Lamb, 7/05.