
We took a few trips to Arkansas while we were in the midwest.


turtleAunt Savilla's House

We took off a day off and took a trip to Leslie, Arkansas to visit Uncle Joe and Aunt Savilla. We made a quick stop near Savilla's house to photograph a turtle in the road.

It was fun to see that Harry Brown Road is now the official name of Savilla's road. The road has been named after Uncle Harry for years, but only recently got a sign.

Harry Brown

We also drove by the house where Larry lived as a baby and young child. Other than the satellite dish and porch, the house is about the same after more than 50 years. All the other houses that he lived in while growing up have been destroyed by fire, tornado, or demolished.

Arkansas Home

Uncle Joe's House

We spent the afternoon and evening at Uncle Joe's house. After setting up our video camera, we had an interesting time interviewing Uncle Joe about his life. We also scanned many of his old photographs. We took a break and Joe (92) drove us to town for supper at a local restaurant.

While admiring the fossils on the porch, Uncle Joe let us pick our favorite. We had a good time doing research online to be find out about the fossil.

Uncle JoeUncle Joe Fossil

Hawksbill Crag

Our geocache at Hawksbill Crag in Arkansas is very popular. We decided it was time to visit the cache and clean it out. It was a great hike.

Hawksbill Hawksbill


Created by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 4/06.