Pearl Harbor
Arizona Memorial
Our final days were spent in Oahu. After arriving in Honolulu, we headed to the USS Arizona Memorial. This was a particularly interesting experience for Annette. She visited the memorial in 1976 while on a high school band trip. At that time, the park was run by the Navy and only included the boat trip to the floating memorial. When the National Park Service took over in the 1980s, a museum, visitor center, and movie were added.
Pearl Harbor is a fascinating place to visit. The National Park maps and signage are very helpful in understanding the history of the Pearl Harbor attack.
After visiting the memorial, we decided to visit the two recent additions to the area: the USS Missouri and the USS Bowfin.
First, we took the trolley to the USS Missouri. This battleship was been restored and can now be explored through a self-guided tour. It is the ship where Japan surrendered. We found it fascinating and spent a couple hours visiting all the compartments and decks. Below you see Annette using the periscope, trying out a bunk, and checking out the guns. Notice the Arizona Memorial in the background of the third photo.
USS Missouri
After returning from the island on the trolley, we boarded the USS Bowfin (photo above), a submarine. The audio tour took us inside the submarine. Larry had to duck his head most of the time. Both Annette and Larry tried their hands at the deck guns.
After an interesting day of historical exploration, we headed into town. Our hotel called Ala Moana was located next to a large shopping mall. We walked over to the Bubba Gump Seafood Restaurant and had a good time answering Forrest Gump trivia while eating dinner with Bill and Judy Burns.
The next day we spent doing some business on the island, before heading back to Phoenix on the red-eye flight.
It was certainly a vacation we'll never forget!
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Created by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 12/00
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