The Great Lizard Discovery WebQuest

There are thousands of different kinds of lizards around the world. Have they all been discovered? You decide.

You're a herpetologist (lizard scientist) who may have just discovered a new type of lizard. Your job is to prove to the Herpetologists' League that your creature is actually a lizard and that it is unique from other lizards.

The Mission

Learn about lizards. Invent your lizard. Compare your lizard to other lizards. Write a letter or email to defend your new lizard.

The Process

Activity 1:

Find a reading buddy. Talk about what you already know about lizards. Then, read about them. Talk about the new things you learned.

Choose an option that fits your information need:

Activity 2:

Invent your lizard. Be sure to include a drawing (or edited photo), list of characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and friends and enemies. Does your lizard have any specific adaptations that are interesting?

Activity 3:

There are many lizards in the world. Are you sure your lizard is unique? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How does your lizard look like and different from other lizards?
  • How does your lizard act like or different from other lizards?
  • How is the habitat of your lizard like and different from other lizards?
  • How is the life cycle of your lizard like and different from other lizards?
  • How are the friends and enemies of your lizard like and different from other lizards?

Activity 4:

Since you can't fly to the lizard meeting, you'll have to send a letter or email. Think carefully about what you will say about your lizard. Why do you think it's a new type of lizard?

The Conclusion

Learn more about the lizards that live in your area. How are they special? Create a poster or web page that shares what you've learned about your local lizard.


Note: All photographs taken with a digital camera in Arizona and Utah.
Developed by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 05/02.