Moose are very big. They are part of the deer family. In Europe, moose are called elk.

What does a moose look like?
Moose have long, dark brown hair and long skinny legs. They have a hump on their back shoulder. The bell-shaped thing that hangs under their neck is called a dewlap.
Their huge, long head is hard to miss. A bull's antlers can spread five feet wide. The antlers fall off each winter, but grow back in the spring.
Males are called bulls. They are much larger than females. A moose weighs about 800 pounds. It can be as tall as your parents and up to 10 feet long.

Female moose are called cows. Baby moose are called calves. They are light colored when they are born. The calves stay with their mother for a year.
What do moose eat?

Moose can eat over 100 pounds of plants each day. They like to eat the plants near lakes and swamps. Moose like water lilies as treats. They will wade far out into a pond to munch on water lilies.

Where can I find a moose?
Moose live alone or in small groups. They hang out in wet, swampy places. In the winter you can find them in forests.

You'll find the most moose in Canada and Alaska. They are also found in the northern Rocky Mountains, Great Lakes, and New England.

Who are the friends and enemies of a moose?

Moose have very few enemies. Wolves and bears do prey on the calves and weak adults. If you see a moose, be careful. They can be dangerous and run very fast.
Where can I find more information?
You can learn more about moose at these locations.
Everything you always wanted to know about moose!
This site has a description of moose, their habitat, behavior, and more.
Moose Facts
Learn little known facts about moose, their evolution, classification, and history.
Similar site is Moose Fact Sheet
Moose Stories from Fairbanks, Alaska
Here you can read several true stories and a few fiction ones that were written by Alaskan students about their encounters with moose.

Check out MooseWorld! We're the moose picture of the month for August 2000!
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Note: All photographs taken with a digital camera in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (July 1999).
Developed by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 6/99.
Updated 9/01.