- Use the following guidelines in
planning your project:
- Outcomes
- Subject Area
- Technology Area
- Entry Skills To Review -
- Resources
- Hardware
- Software
- Websites
- Preselected Visuals
- Process and Procedures
- Springboard
- Information Presentation and
- Active Involvement
- Closure/Transfer
- Project Guidelines & Assessment
- Classroom Management
- Learning Environment Setup
- Timing and Scheduling
- Grouping Considerations
- Roosting
in a Cactus:
- Planning
Technology-Rich Projects
Most people avoid cactus. Look beyond the prickly
exterior. Many animals make cactus their home. Our
students have grown up in a digital world. They look
beyond the cactus thorns. Roosting involves planning,
implementing, assessing, and sharing projects.
- Planning
- What are the outcomes?
- content area
- information skills
- technology skills
- collaboration skills
- What are student entry skills?
- Choosing Tools
- Who is the audience?
- Publishing
- Presenting
- text - paper, sml/lg screen
- audio - live, recorded
- visual - still, motion
- Designing a Realistic Task
- Match to the outcomes
- Retell
- Apply an idea
- Show cause and effect
- Formulate solution
- Create
- http://edweb.sdsu.edu/webquest/taskonomy.html
- Bernie Dodge's Task Ideas
- Retelling Tasks
- Compilation Tasks
- Mystery Tasks
- Journalistic Tasks
- Design Tasks
- Analytical Tasks
- Creative Product Tasks
- Judgment Tasks
- Persuasion Tasks
- Consensus Building Tasks
- Self-Knowledge Tasks
- Scientific Tasks
- http://muskingum.edu/~cal/database/conspecific.html
- Designing
- What will students be doing?
- Springboard
- Info Presentation & Exploration
- Active Involvement
- Closure/Sharing/Transfer
- Organizing Resources
- Balance time to search with provided
- Pre-selected: clip art, websites, book
- http://eduscapes.com/42eXplore/
- http://eduscapes.com/42explore/fire.htm
- Community Construction Kit
- http://aes.iupui.edu/rwise/notedir/mappage.html
- http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/adaccess/
- http://fermi.jhuapl.edu/states/states.html
- http://www.kididdles.com/mouseum/index.html
- Providing Options
- Scanners
- Digital Cameras
- Video Cameras
- Clip Art
- Audio Tools and Clips
- Think Different
- Scan
- Photos
- Fabric
- Natural objects
- Historical artifacts
- Body Parts
- Technology Guidelines
- Demonstrations
- Posted guidelines
- Printed support
- Web-based activity pages
- http://www.filamentality.com/
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/samprobabilit.html
- Implementing
- Consider
- grouping students
- technology access
- varied learning time
- individual differences
- Assessing Multimedia
- Consider Process & Product
- Text elements
- Visual elements
- Page/Screen design
- Interactive elements
- Presentation elements
- Real-World Experiences - Share!
- http://www.mattoon.k12.il.us/lincoln/Mrs.htm
- http://kids-learn.org/class98/
Created by Annette
Lamb, 7/00