- Transforming
- Extreme
sports stretch our ideas about competition
and physical limits.
We need
extreme thinking to take our
technology-rich classrooms to the next
level. "Computer diving" might not be your
idea of fun, but there are many other ways
to diving into teaching and
- Students
think their life is tough. All that
"copying and pasting" can be rough on the
pencils and erasers, but does it really
"work out" the brain?
- In 2000,
I worked on a committee charged with
developing an instrument to
Our first task was to identify the
characteristics of exemplary projects. We
were surprised to find a wide range of
mediocre and even acceptable projects,
however we found very few that expressed
the high level thinking we were seeking.
Many used technology, but they focused on
the "bells and whistles" rather than using
it as a challenging thinking and
communication tool.
- Transforming
- Expanding
- Exploring
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to Activate
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- Some of the best
student projects are available for everyone to enjoy.
Check out the ThinkQuest
project. and the Cyberfair
project. One of the ThinkQuest winners for 2001 used
the book Holes, by Louis Sachar as a focal
point for a series of activities. Rather than writing
a traditional book report, students were asked to
create a web project to inform, instruct, and persuade
others about the book. Explore this winning
Project and
look for the many ways that students shared their
experience. Some of these are listed
- "experience"
the book
- create
the questions
- bring the
room alive
- promote
- write
- explore
- address
real-world issues
- debate
- hold a
mock trial
- read
online resources
- write
- write
persuasive essays
- write
- share
history through music
- apply
real-world math
- draw
interests from book
- do
real-world science
- give
- Sky+surf =
- It's time that we
combine what we know about effective teaching and
learning. Combine what we know about critical
thinking, learning styles,
multiple intelligences,
motivation and creativity with technology. You'll get
synergy and a higher level of meaningful
Think about your
classroom activities. Many technology-rich projects
are low-level, time-consuming projects.
Why? We rarely get beyond
the technology to the thinking. The problem relates to
focus. Rather than focusing on PowerPoint, sounds,
transitions, and pictures, we need to ask, why? How
does a picture enhance a persuasive writing project?
How can PowerPoint be used to tell about an event or
experience. It's not the PowerPoint presentation
that's important, but the message that it conveys.
- The solution to
low-level, technology projects is to focus on thinking
and solving problems. Start with "high level" words
from Bloom's Taxonomy. For example, start with the
word "justify" and consider how technology can help a
student address a specific learning indicator or
standard. Students might interact with an online
expert to help them collect information to justify
their perspective. Teacher
Tap: Expert
contains ideas for developing this type of activity
using the Expert
website along with other online experts. Or, they
might create a video to persuade a legislator to vote
a particular way. PowerPoint is a powerful tool for
holding debates. Use the Thomas
website to collect information about current bills in
Congress or locate addresses of government
- Be
- Although these types
of activities are exciting, they can be time
consuming. Explore ways to cut the low end activities
to provide time for high end projects. Think about
ways to turn topics into themes. Themes can provide
motivation, hooks, and connections that make learning
meaningful. Look for themes that add a human dimension
to a subject area topic. For example, in the book
Officer Buckle and Gloria, you'll find the themes of
safety and friendship. In the book Buffalo Soldiers,
you'll find history, but also themes such as freedom
and heroism. Check out the 42eXplore:
Buffalo Soldiers
page. Rather than focusing on traditional subject
areas, connect a topic to a theme such as Dustbowl and
hardship, Civil War and courage, tornado and loss,
picnics and friendship, and pollution and activism.
Then, consider ways to cross content areas to include
reading, writing, social studies, science, and fine
arts. Let's reinforce the work of other
- Essential
- Meaningfulness is an
important element of learning. Ask yourself: What are
the key questions that bring meaning to this
experience? How can we link outcomes, standards, and
meaningfulness? For example, if students are reading a
book about the Japanese Internment Camps. Students
might focus on the following questions: What was life
like in Japanese Internment Camps? How can we prevent
human, civil, and legal rights abuses from happening
in the future? According to McKenzie in his online
journal, From
Now Own,
answers to essential questions can't be found
they must be invented. Students must find meaning and
create insight.
- Start with a
- Consider ways to
focus on "extreme thinking" types of projects. Start
by generating an essential question. Get students
involved with generating meaningful questions. Then,
consider starting with a product or focus that is
tangible. For example, give students a movie, online
article, or student report and ask them to transform
it. They might start with a video and compare it to a
book using a concept map in Inspiration.
They could start with a student
report they
locate online. Then, defend one of the ideas using a
PowerPoint presentation. What about starting at the
Notes website
and critiquing the materials using their
- WebQuests
- WebQuests are an
inquiry-based approach to learning environments that
involve students in meaningful, high level projects.
Unfortunately, these projects can also be
time-consuming. Explore examples of webquests and
consider how they could be adapted to include many
learning outcomes across content areas to make a good
use of time. Each 42explore
project lists webquests in the activity section. For
example, explore the Invasive
species 42explore.
Develop technology
projects with a purpose. Ask yourself: What do you
want students to be able to do or talk about?
How does technology
contribute to the project? Check out the following
example. What do you think?
- Start with
- As you begin a new
project, start with standards: Content Area
Literacy, Information
Literacy, Technology
Literacy, and Life
Skills. Exactly what do you want your students to do?
Use "extreme words" from Bloom's Taxonomy for
ideas. For
example, rather than a "presidents report", compare
the contributions and collaborations of presidents.
Start with President information and use Inspiration
to compare accomplishments,
controversies, or
approaches to presidency. Try a presidents
webquest that
asks students to reexamine Mount Rushmore.
Consider a project for
your visual learners. You might start with a
photograph from the PBS
president series,
then ask students to be a biographer, a politician, a
historian, or a futurist. These are the types of
activities that can't be copied. They require students
to "think." Ask students to create visual glossaries,
class projects, and other collaborative activities
that ask students to apply what they know about a
person, place, or thing to their understanding of the
"bigger" picture. Use the images section of
to create visual glossaries. For example, ask students
to identify a picture that represents the vocabulary
word "Appeasement
- the policy of granting concessions to potential
enemies to maintain peace."
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