Turning Fiascos into Fiestas:
Fiesta StarterOver the past several years, the web has become a much more dynamic place. The technology of Web 2.0 has provided new opportunities for collaborating, social networking, and sharing. As you design learning experiences that incorporate web-based resources, be sure that students understand how these websites are constructed. For example, wiki-based websites are created through a collaborative effort. As such, the resources are only as good as the expertise of the contributors. By getting students involved in the use and creation of wikis, they have a better understanding of when they would or would not be a good source information resource. Go to Wikipedia. Design an activity that helps a student "fact check" using other resources Visit Lamb's Inquiry. Explore other examples. Explore areas within Wikipedia:
Explore some examples of wikis:
Be sure to check out library and educational technology wikis:
Think about wikis because we're going to come back and create one later in the week! Learn more at High Tech Learning: Collaborative Web & Wikis |
Fiesta ProjectsAsking Meaningful Questions
Organizing and Recording ThoughtsJournals Go to edublogs.
Explore a few examples:
Blogging has become popular in schools and libraries. Examine the following examples of school and library blogs:
Learn more at High Tech Learning: Blogs Learn more at Escrapbooking: Blogs and Blogging Organizers
Broaden Perspectives
Workshop HandoutsInstructional Technology Resource Teachers
Library Media Specialists
Developed by Annette Lamb, 8/06. |