Turning Fiascos into Fiestas:
Building Successful, Technology-Rich Learning Experiences


Fiesta Starter

Over the past several years, the web has become a much more dynamic place. The technology of Web 2.0 has provided new opportunities for collaborating, social networking, and sharing.

As you design learning experiences that incorporate web-based resources, be sure that students understand how these websites are constructed. For example, wiki-based websites are created through a collaborative effort. As such, the resources are only as good as the expertise of the contributors. By getting students involved in the use and creation of wikis, they have a better understanding of when they would or would not be a good source information resource.

cowboyGo to Wikipedia. Design an activity that helps a student "fact check" using other resources

Visit Lamb's Inquiry. Explore other examples.

Explore areas within Wikipedia:

Explore some examples of wikis:

Be sure to check out library and educational technology wikis:

Think about wikis because we're going to come back and create one later in the week!

Learn more at High Tech Learning: Collaborative Web & Wikis

Fiesta Projects

Asking Meaningful Questions

Organizing and Recording Thoughts


Go to edublogs.

Explore a few examples:

Blogging has become popular in schools and libraries. Examine the following examples of school and library blogs:

Learn more at High Tech Learning: Blogs

Learn more at Escrapbooking: Blogs and Blogging


  • Use the ReadWriteThink Interactives to help students organize, record, and share understandings.
    • Create an assignment using an interactive. Write this up on your blog.

Broaden Perspectives

Workshop Handouts

Instructional Technology Resource Teachers

  1. Turning Fiascos into Fiestas (PDF)
  2. Digital Photo Safaris (PDF)
  3. Digital Photography Basics (PDF)
  4. Photo Story 3 for Windows (PDF)
  5. GIMP for Photo Editing (PDF)
  6. TuxPaint Basics (PDF)
  7. Digital Video Basics (PDF)
  8. Digital Editing with MovieMaker (PDF)
  9. Powerful Literacies through Powerpoint Learning Spaces (PDF)
  10. Directions for Powerpoint Starters (PDF)
  11. Multiple Slide Masters in PowerPoint (PDF)
  12. Smartboard (PDF)
  13. Blogs and Blogging (PDF)
  14. Wikis (PDF)

Library Media Specialists

  1. Turning Fiascos into Fiestas (PDF)
  2. Digital Photo Safaris (PDF)
  3. Digital Photography Basics (PDF)
  4. Photo Story 3 for Windows (PDF)
  5. GIMP for Photo Editing (PDF)
  6. Digital Video Basics (PDF)
  7. Digital Editing with MovieMaker (PDF)
  8. Smartboard (PDF)
  9. Blogs and Blogging (PDF)
  10. Blogs and Blogging Articles in School Library Media Activities Monthly (okay to copy from journal; I don't have electronic version)

Developed by Annette Lamb, 8/06.