Handheld Synergy
Make the most of your handheld devices by using the best tool for the job. In other words, learn to make your devices work together. If you're doing a lot of writing, a keyboard makes sense. If you need to find a location, would a stand alone GPS or a GPS module on a PDA make more sense for the activity?
Rather than focusing on a particular technology, examine your learning need. How will your students access, record, organize, process, synthesize, and communicate information and ideas?
Digital Imaging
Portable Keyboard
Other Devices
Teacher Tap Links
Science Project
You're doing a science activity in the nature park. You use a GPS to identify a particular location, a walkie talkie to communicate with the other groups, a sensor such as a wind speed indicator or water probe to record data, and a PocketPC to record observations. Each student or small group might be in charge of a device. Each tool serves a different purpose. The combined price of all these devices is less than half of one laptop computer.
Math Project
You're graphing a math problem related to the science data you just collected in the nature park. You record the teacher's directions on your voice recorder, so you can replay them when you use your graphing calculator.
Social Studies Project
You're doing an oral history project interviewing community members for the town's centennial celebration. You use a PDA to store your schedule for the day, interview questions and answers, as well as conduct a survey. A digital video camera is used to record the interview.
Language Arts and Physical Education Project
You're creating step-by-step instructions on bicycle safety. You use a still digital camera to take pictures. Then, use the electronic keyboard to write the directions. You upload the text and pictures, then build your photo essay.
Classroom Management
Get multiple students working together on projects using different devices. One student might use a science probe, while another takes digital camera pictures, and still another takes notes on an Alphasmart. Another group in the classroom might be watching a video, reading a book or article, discussing an issue, or writing with paper and pencil. Consider when technology is most necessary. When do you need a desktop computer or a handheld device, and when will a discussion or pencil and paper work best?

Selection | Synergy | PDAs | Digital Imaging | Portable Keyboard | Other Devices | Teacher Tap Links | Eduscapes

Graphic courtesy of Compaq, Motorola, Windlinq, Garmin, TI, Olympus, Alphasmart, and Sony.
Created by Annette Lamb, 05/02.