- Becoming
User Friendly:
- Support,
Sharing, and
- Annette
- alamb@eduscapes.com
- The print paper is stuck, the system
crashed, and I lost everything... does
this sound familiar? For many teachers,
technology equals hassles. Turn
frustration into fun! The happiest people
don't necessarily have the best of
everything, they just make the best of
everything. This is the message of
user-friendly technology leaders. This
session focuses on ways to recruit
teachers and provide practical,
classroom-based technical and curriculum
support. Explore ways to plan for positive
teacher learning experiences and expand
projects beyond the scope of the
classroom. Finally, learn user-friendly
techniques for dealing with people without
saying "no" or making anyone feel "dumb".
Remember, a smile is a passport that will
take you wherever you want to go.
Becoming User-Friendly
- The printer paper is stuck.
- My system crashed.
- I lost everything.
- Turn Frustration Into Fun!
- Make the best
- The happiest people don't necessarily have the
best of everything.
- They just make the best of everything.
- Find Fun
- How do you encourage people to ask for help?
- People are Reluctant
- How can I cover the curriculum when I use
- What if I look silly?
- Howwill this fit my schedule?
- What if it crashes in front of the class?
- Five Barriers to Asking
- Ignorance
- Inaccurate Beliefs
- Fear
- Low Self-Esteem
- Pride
- Canfield & Hansen
- Ignorance
- What's available?
- What do I need?
- What do I ask?
- Who do I ask?
- http://www.quia.com/
- Inaccurate Beliefs
- Prior education
- Prior experiences
- "Horror stories"
- Show them positive examples
- KidPix for Comparing
- Fear
- Rejection
- Looking stupid
- Feeling powerless
- Humiliation
- Abandonment
- Obligation
- Meet in secret
- http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/KidsClick!/
- Low Self-Esteem
- Insecure
- Unworthy
- I don' want to make trouble
- I'm not worth the time
- My needs aren't important
- Pride
- Shouldn't I already know this?
- Afraid to appear weak
- Fear people will judge me
- Won't take advice
- Can do it alone
- Get them in a small group
- http://homearts.com/helpers/calculators/burnf1.htm
- Facing Fears
- What's the best thing that could happen?
- What's the worst thing that could happen?
- What's mostly likely to happen?
- Barriers to Asking
- How do you help these people?
- Ignorance
- Inaccurate Beliefs
- Fear
- Low Self-Esteem
- Pride
- Characteristics of Askers
- They know what they want.
- They believe they're worthy.
- They believe they can do it.
- They are passionate about it.
- They take action in face of fear.
- They learn from experience.
- They are persistent.
- Why will people ask?
- Attitude - want to learn
- Need - wants to do something
- Stimulation - pressure
- Affect - jealousy, concerns
- Competence - need to work
- Reinforcement - achievement
- http://about.com/
- Ask to Get
- You don't ask, you don't get
Dealing with Failure
- You can never learn less, you can only learn
Fear as Enemy
- A man's doubts and fears are his worst
- There can be no happiness equal to the joy of
finding a heart that understands.
User-Friendly Approaches
- Hang out in their territory
- Work with their equipment
- Use examples with their content
- Try planning periods, in-school subs
- http://tli.jefferson.k12.ky.us/stcdigital/PD/pd.html
- Planning-Period
- Keep it short and simple
- Focus on 1 skill
- Focus on 1 doable application
- Provide a review
- Follow-up
- PPP: Computer Skill
- Focus on an application of the skill
- Not "Windows"
organizing files
- Not the "Network"
making a class folder
- PPP: Teacher Resources
- Focus on one, online teacher resource
- Teacher Resource
- Lesson Planning
- Online Ezine
- Professional Organization Site
- http://www.thegateway.org/
- http://edweek.org
- PPP: 42eXplore
- Choose a topic
- 4 good web sites
- information
- instructional
- Evaluate, select, design activity
- http://eduscapes.com/42eXplore/
- http://eduscapes.com/42explore/papermaking.htm
- PPP: Specific Software Applications
- Focus on a particular part of an application
- Enhancing photos:
- selecting elements of pictures
- brightness & contrast
- cropping
PPP: Management Issue
- How do I use this software package in my
- Focus on:
- scheduling computers
- making assignments
- designing support materials
PPP Things to Avoid
- Learning a whole package
- Big lists of sites
- Doing it for them
- Saying "this is really easy"
Be Proactive
- Happiness is not something you get, but something
you do.
Baby Steps
- A small project will hold as much happiness as a
large one.
- There can be no happiness if the things we believe
in are different from the things we do.
Be a Model
- Happiness is when what you think, what you say,
and what you do are in harmony.
- Key Program Components
- Diagnosing & prescribing
- Presentation of skill/strategy
- Modeling or demonstrating
- Practice - simulated or real
- Feedback & Reflection
- Coaching for follow-through
- http://www.nytimes.com/
- http://www.nytimes.com/learning/
- Learning:
- Software Integration
- Focus on:
- A particular topic & outcome
- Software skills for an activity
- Attitudes & anxieties
- Individual teacher differences
- Classroom management
- Happiness does not depend on outward things, but
on the way we see them.
- It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy
that makes happiness.
Children First
- Happiness is a by product of an effect to make
someone else happy.
User-Friendly Project Expansion
- Birds
- Observation
- Bird feeder
- Share pictures
- Travel buddy
- http://www.mattoon.k12.il.us/lincoln/birds.htm
- Asking for Involvement
- Ask people who are ready
- Ask with a positive expectation
- Ask with conviction
- Assume "we" can
- Be prepared
Ask for Involvement
- Be specific & clear
- Focus on benefits
- Ask with passion
- Ask politely with a kind voice
- Ask with humor
- Let's trade science data, photos, poetry
Start Locally
- Make happy those who are near, and those who are
far will come.
- Happiness is made to be shared.
- A kind deed is never lost, although you may not
see its results.
User-Friendly Follow-ups
- Handouts
- Lessons
- Web pages
- Support
- Expansion Ideas
- http://tli.jefferson.k12.ky.us/stcdigital/PD/pd.html
- Expand a Project
- Create an online lesson plan, a model
- Add a collaboration aspect, a software
- http://www.yourmojo.com/lrk/lrk.html
- Pause
- Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of
happiness and just be happy.
Help & Let Go
- Happy people plan actions, they don't plan
The Impossible
- The only way to discover the limits of the
possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
Think Process
- If you cannot find happiness along the way, you
cannot find it at the end of the road.
User-Friendly Skills: People
Skills 101
- How do people feel?
- Make a list:
- What makes people feel dumb?
- What makes people feel comfortable and
- Project Strategies
- Speak their language
- Focus on student outcomes
- Try existing resources
- Eliminate risk
- Offer support
- Provide rewards
Address Individual Differences
- Teaching Style
- Learning Style
- Attention Span
- Concerns
Help Teachers Find Focus
- Professional Resources
- Management Software
- Computer Applications
- Desktop Presentations
- Multimedia Projects
- Email Collaboration
- Individual differences
- Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not
to be picked in strangers' gardens.
User-friendly words
- Pleasant words are as honeycomb, sweet to the
soul, and health to the bones.
Just Do It
- Not what we have, but what we use;
- Nor what we see, but what we choose.
- It is in the enjoyment and not in the mere
possession that makes for happiness.
- Joy is not in things, it is in us.
User-Friendly When
- Dealing with Awkward Situations
- Dealing with Problems
- Requests are:
- unrealistic
- outside realm of project
- taking too much time
Video Production
- Quicktime Pro
- Imovie
- Avid Cinema
Handling Rejection
- Start with "safe people"
- Be a learner
- Don't take it personally
Saying No
- Don't burn your bridges
- Be gracious
- Ask an authority
- Say no with a yes
- http://www.att.virtualclassroom.org/
- As You Work
- Clarify expectations
- Provide choices
- Give complements or praise
Alternative Strategies
- When one door of happiness closes; another opens;
but often we look so long at the closed door that we
do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Fail Forward
- Enjoy today and don't waste it grieving over a bad
yesterday &emdash; tomorrow may be even worse.
Avoid battles
- Part of the happiness of life consists not in
fighting battles but in avoiding them. A masterly
retreat is in itself a victory.
Bring Happiness
- Worry doesn't help tomorrow's troubles, but it
does ruin today's happiness.
Take Risks
- If you're going to do something wrong, at least
enjoy it.
Becoming User-Friendly: It's an Attitude!
- A smile can...welcome
- A smile is the universal welcome.
break the
- A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break
ice with it.
bring joy
- A cheerful look brings joy to the heart.
confuse a frown
- A smile confuses an approaching frown
- A smile is a passport that will take you anywhere
you want to go.
- Final Thought
- Life is easier than you think,
- All you have to do is;
- Accept the impossible,
- And be able to smile at anything.
- Find free, online resources at http://eduscapes.com
- Lamb Learning Group
- Vision to Action
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Created by Annette
Lamb, 7/00