EDUC 214
Instructional Technology in Education

Explores the design, development, selection, use, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for enhancing the teaching and learning process. These include a range of technologies from traditional media to advanced technologies. Skills in the production and use of effective print, projected, and display communications will be emphasized. Principles of page layout, typography, and graphics will be applied to the development of instructional unit. (Required course for all undergraduates). 3 hours
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer 1997-98

EDUC 4/561
Microcomputer Applications for Educators

Examines ways computers can be used as productivity and instructional tools in educational settings. Applications include word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and utility programs. No prerequisite. 3 hours
Offered Summer, Fall 1997-98

EDUC 4/565
Computers in the Curriculum

Focuses on the integration of technology into the school curriculum. Explores educational and management software, productivity tools, emerging technologies (e.g., CD-ROM, laserdisc, multimedia/hypermedia, telecommunications), instructional strategies, key issues and trends related to computer technology in the teaching/learning environment. Prerequisite: EDUC 561 or equivalent strongly recommended, but not required (Required course for all graduate students). 3 hours
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer 1997-98


EDUC 443
Production and Integration of Instructional Technology

Planning, preparing, integrating, and evaluating the use of instructional technology in the classroom. Focuses on the development and implementation of interdisciplinary multimedia thematic units that incorporate various technologies to meet individual needs. Guided field experience required. 3 hours
Offered Spring 1998

EDUC 4/566
Authoring Educational Multimedia Resources

Focuses on the systematic design and development of educational software and multimedia resources. Students plan instructional sequences, then apply computer programming and courseware design skills to the development of informational, instructional, and constructional resources. Internet, laserdiscs, CD-ROM, CD-audio, digitized audio, digitized still and motion video, and scanned images are incorporated into multimedia projects. Interdisciplinary, multimedia thematic units are also developed. Prerequisite: EDUC 214, 465, or equivalent. 3 hours
Offered Summer 1997


EDUC 4/567
Teaching and Learning at a Distance

Focuses on the process of connecting learners with remote resources as primary or secondary means of learning. Examines the systematic design and development of distance learning environments with special consideration to learner needs and varied communication channels. Students plan and design instructional sequences, then apply distance learning techniques that address teaching/learning issues. The evolving roles of technology, faculty, and learners are discussed. The course will be taught using the technologies demonstrated in class. Prerequisite: EDUC 214, 465, or equivalent. 3 hours
Offered Fall 1997


EDUC 4/568
Advanced Instructional Technology

Focuses on technical and management skills needed to coordinate the technology program in a school. Technical topics include analyzing computer and networking environments, troubleshooting problems, as well as developing and integrating technology-based instructional materials. Management topics include technology planning, implementation, evaluation, staff development, facilities design, budgeting, and grant writing. Prerequisite: EDUC 214, 465, or equivalent. 3 hours
Offered Spring 1998


EDUC 469/569
Special Topics in Computer Education

Explores contemporary topics or innovative developments related to the integration technology into educational settings. 1-5 hours
Offered Spring 1998

For more information about courses in the area of educational technology, contact Annette Lamb.
Updated 3/26/97.