- Learning
Luau Main Menu
- Project
Development Ideas
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to Tech Integration
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to Eduscapes
- Learning
- Theme
- Form a grade level team. Include
members from all subject areas.
- Start by creating a list of "big
ideas" What are the core themes, concepts,
and generalizations associated with your
content area? Compare your list with other
team members. Where are the
- Focus on the "big questions". Turn
your content area standards into questions
and begin linking content areas with
questions. Look for a theme or hook to
draw student interest.
- Explore the following thematic ideas
to get the ideas flowing.
- Grade 6: Clubs to
- What caused humans to move from wandering to
- climate & human changes
- tools, clothes, shelter
- water & energy & survival
- http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/archaeology/index.html
- Focus on a Resource
- Book, short story, or poem
- Music style or song
- Web site
- Video
- Person, career, oral history
- Grade 7: Medieval
- Catherine Called Birdy
- Midwife's Apprentice
- Money in the Middle Ages
- Science of Disease
- Sports of the Knights
- http://www.carolhurst.com/subjects/history/middleages.html
- http://www.castlesontheweb.com/
- Focus on an Idea
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Analogy
- Theme
- Grade 8: Bridge
- Cultural and Physical Bridges
- Immigrant Impact
- Movement of People
- History - roads, trains, canals
- Science - velocity, force
- Arts - dance, sports, foods
- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/bridge/
- http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/www/ihb/ironbridge.html
- http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/WWW/ihb/cblist.html
- http://myron.sjsu.edu/romeweb/engineer/art2.htm
- http://www.brad.ac.uk/acad/civeng/marketing/civeng/game2.htm
- Focus on an Event
- Olympics
- Sporting Event
- Elections
- Millennium
- http://www.rog.nmm.ac.uk/mill/index.htm
- http://www.tour-eiffel.fr/teiffel/an2000_uk/
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/Initiatives/Millennium/kids.html
- http://www.mars2030.net/
- http://www.dowslane.org/inventions.html
- http://www.everything2000.com/news/life/inventionsofmm.asp
- http://biography.com/features/millennium/
- http://www.yakscorner.com/yaklennium/index2.htm
- http://housebeautiful.women.com/hb/design/millennium/00mill11.htm
- http://cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/millennium/
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/world/9901/beyond-2000/beyond-2000-icons.html
- http://www.everything2000.com/news/life/milltimecap.asp
- http://www.olympics.com/eng/
- Take Off! Get Going!
- Start small - 2 teachers
- Build threads - thin connections
- Career Exploration
- Citizenship
- http://library.thinkquest.org/11720/
- http://www.bcit.tec.nj.us/KidCareer/info.html
- http://www.futurescan.com/
- Curriculum Links
- Thematic Leaders
- Match standards
- instructional development
- teaching strategies
- learning styles
- Grade 6: River
- Ecosystems of River Areas
- Rivers in Ancient Civilizations
- Africa, Greece, China, India
- Water in poetry, tales, art
- Water sports
- Building watercraft
- http://geography.about.com/education/geography/msub108.htm
- http://library.thinkquest.org/16645/the_land/nile_river.shtml
- http://www.irn.org/row/index.shtml
- http://rol.gcfn.org/
- Grade 7: Impact of
- World sharing: plants, animals
- Scientific revolution
- Genetic engineering
- Biographies
- Persuasive writing
- Creation: foods, products
- http://www.nmnh.si.edu/garden/
- Grade 8: Following the
- Astronomy: constellations
- Underground Railroad - quilts
- Native Americans
- Slave Narratives
- People who follow their dreams
- http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/underground/ugrrhome.htm
- http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/constellations.html
- Focus on Mascots! Wildcat
- What have others done?
- http://library.thinkquest.org/27934/intro_swf.html
- Science
- Cats in the Fossil Record
- Movement of Cats - speed
- Animal & Weather/Geology
- Ecosystems of Cats
- Biology & Genetics of Cats
- Cat Genetic Engineering
- http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/
- http://www.best.com/~sirlou/catgenetics.html
- http://library.thinkquest.org/15401/
- Math
- Cat Statistics
- Measurement
- Sorting and Categorizing
- Endangered Statistics
- Cat Speed
- http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/bco2ns.htm
- Social Studies
- Domestication of Cats
- Cats and Ancient Civilizations
- Cats in Mythology
- Movement of Cats in World
- Cats in Different Cultures
- Cats & the Elderly
- Cat world geography
- http://www.lam.mus.ca.us/cats/P24/index.htm
- http://www.lam.mus.ca.us/cats/america.htm
- http://lynx.uio.no/catfolk/sp-accts.htm
- Physical Education
- Cat sports teams
- Cat movement and speed
- Pets for mental & physical health
- Dog walking volunteers
- http://onhealth.com/conditions/briefs/item,55117.asp
- http://seniors-site.com/pets/needpets.html
- Reading/Writing
- Poetry, Fables, Fairytales
- Urban Myths
- Journals: life with a wildcat
- Prompts: finding a wildcat
- Newsletter: rare wildcat at zoo
- Persuasive: save a wildcat
- http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/zenstory/ritualcat.html
- http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/cat.html
- http://pantheon.org/mythica/
- http://www.discovery.com/news/features/tigers/tigermap.html
- http://www.snopes.com/critters/critters.htm
- http://www.discovery.com/news/features/tigers/tigers.html
- http://www.5tigers.org/
- Art & Music
- Cats in art
- Drawing cats
- Photographing animals
- Morphing animals
- Cats in music
- http://www.catfancy.com/cats/community/default.asp
- http://www.catfancy.com/cats/community/displayphoto.asp
- Industrial Technology
- Design a cat post, tree, fence
- http://amby.com/cat_site/cattree.html
- http://www.ultranet.com/~tb/toys.htm
- Family & Consumer Science
- Cat care and food costs
- Cat food: make your own
- http://www.purina.com/cats/ntrtion/ntrtion_r.htm
- http://www.healthypet.com/Library/index.html
- Put It All Together
- Build the environment
- title, colors, and logo
- project web site headquarters
- school-wide activities
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/cats/
- http://www.panther.state.fl.us/
- http://www.bigcats.com/flashcard/index.html
- http://www.nhm.org/cats/links/Wild_Cats/index.shtml
- Join with others
- Email
- Chats
- Discussions
- Sister Schools
- Sharing
- http://www.lam.mus.ca.us/cats/
Developed for hands-on workshop participants by
Lamb, 5/00