- Surviving
the Dive
- Surviving your dive for pearl projects
requires careful planning and effective
classroom management strategies. This
section will explore tips for teacher and
- Teacher Tips
- Student Tips
- Teacher
- Activity #1: Realistic Classroom
- Explore the 42eXplore
site. Select a topic and examine the suggested
websites. In pairs, discuss how students might use one
of the following sites in your classroom. Think about
the content of the page and the directions you would
provide for students. Share a tip for project
starters. Do you
- resources
- models
- starters
- directions
- assessment
- Activity #2: Software Best Uses and Project
- It's a good idea to review software before you
purchase. If you can't review it yourself, check one
of the online review sources. Check out my software
review page for lots of links to review resources.
Also check out the resources at the following
- Explore the resources available at Tom
Snyder Productions. Specifically, check out the
resources that accompany the Timeliner
- Is there a demo available to download?
- Are these types of online resources helpful?
- Are classroom project ideas included?
- Are materials available for my content area and
grade level?
- Are links provided to other resources?
- Is there a way to communicate or share with others
using the same software?
- Explore KidPix
Ideas and KidWorks
Ideas for fun projects. Pick a project to
- Student
- Activity #1: Quick Starts
- Get students started on a project by providing a
piece of clipart or photograph. Select a visual or
visuals and discuss how these might be used in a
- Activity #2: Active Student Projects
- Ask students to go beyond providing information.
Encourage them to involve the audience in their
project. Add an interactive element to one of your
- Add to a list
- Write a story
- Answer questions
- Send pictures
- Take a quiz
- Add to database
- Project Ideas