Informal Support:
Teachable Moments
Be available
  • Listen for just-in-time clues: excitement, frustration
  • Create a sense of "open door"
  • Make use of planning periods
Assess needs
  • What do you already know?
  • What do you want to be able to do or talk about?
  • What do you need to do this?
    • Where's the gap?

Provide choices

  • Refining the focus:
    • Are your interests more A or B?
    • Would A or B work best?
    • Do you have time for A or B?

Get the bottom line

  • What do they really need?
    • empathy
    • someone to watch & help
    • a particular skill or resource
    • ideas for using the technology
    • help with managing

Help with planning

  • Listen for personal choices:
    • I think I could do…
    • I'm not sure about…
    • I'll need to practice…
      • Then, provide specific support.

Build on interests

  • Try something. Then,
    • provide applications/examples
    • add a new skill
    • adapt to a new situation
      • Email: project, signature, query email

Focus on teacher resources

  • Online resources:
  • Lesson plans
  • Clipart, graphics, & handouts
  • Classroom management ideas

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 Created by Annette Lamb, 7/00