- A
Dozen Ways to
- Get
Teachers Going
- 1 - Avoid Overwhelming
- Small pieces of info
- Remember what it was like to be a
2 - Direct Attention
- Take them by the tail
- Direct, Guide, Show, don't do
3 - Model
- Show problems
- Brainstorm solutions
- Model options
4 - Encourage Practice
- Repeat now
- Write it down
- Do it again
- Put it on a card
- At least 3 times in a row
- Then, do it tomorrow!
5 - Empathize
- Use soothing words: let's try it
together cool
you did it
- Use silly words: it must not be
6 - Provide Helpful Print
- Provide good maps
- Step-by-Step
- Lists of ideas
- Screen dumps
- Post it notes
- Note cards
7 - Give Treats
- Handouts
- Help cards
- Websites
- Folders
- Bookmarks
8 - Sneak Up
- "Stop by"
- with a comment
- with encouragement with an
- 9 - Mix old and new
- Books & Internet
- Science Labs & Computer
10 - Be a little goofy
- Encourage
- new mousepads
- screen borders
- fun front page
- cool fonts
- clip art & photos
11 - Untie Teachers
- Encourage teachers to find:
12 - Find a Friend
- Encourage
- pairs
- small groups
- teams
- collaboration
- Finding the right
- Be the knight
- Save the day.
- Dispel myths
- Be positive, Be proactive
- Be vocal.
- Share your skills and knowledge
- Don't scare them
- Limit techie talk. Focus on
- Carry the technology
- Be an advocate.
- Avoid telling.
- Put on a happy face. Be a guide.
- Talk. Walk the talk
- Be confident. Be competent
- Working with
- You need enthusiasm, tact, and
patience to work with teachers.
Created by Annette
Lamb, 7/00