Using Geocities

Geocities for Posting

Create your own Yahoo GeoCities Account (preferred option)

Go to
In the first column, choose Sign up for a free web site.
Click sign up now.
Answer the questions. Create a simple username such as jsmith595. Then, submit the form.
You'll get an email confirmation. Follow the directions.
When your account is verified, you can build your website.
Be sure to choose “education” ads for your website.
Use the File Manager to upload your files.

Upload to our SLIS Geocities Account - Sample Account

Go to
Enter the username norfolktac and password teacher.
A File Manager window will open.
Click the Browse button.
Locate the file on your hard drive.
Click the other Browse buttons to upload other files such as graphics.
Change the Number of Files to Upload to 1 or the number you have chosen.
Click Upload Files.
The files will be uploaded.
Visit your new web page such as


Developed by Annette Lamb, 7/04.