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for great, updated resources on this
Like selecting the right thread, web weavers need skills in
evaluating, selecting, and integrating Internet resources.
All threads must be strong to build an effective web page.
Goal of Site
Appropriateness of Site
(Depends on level of user)
Is the site focused at an appropriate reading
Is the site free of inappropriate language or graphics?
Is any bias/opinion easy for students to identify and discuss?
Does the site foster respect for all people including women,
minorites, ethnic groups, disabled, and aged?
Does the site reflect a culturally diverse, pluralistic
Does the site reflect global awareness?
Scope & Sequence of Content
Is the content well-organized?
Is the breathe of coverage appropriate?
Is information presented in a logical order?
Depth of Content
Is the site thorough?
Are links provided for expansion? Are they good?
Is the site complete?
Does the site provide "real-world" applications?
Wall Street Research Net
Screen Design
Are elements such as navigation tools consistent?
Are functional areas provided?
Do background and animations contribute rather than distract?
Are the font styles and sizes easy to read?
Are graphics large enough to see?
Are graphics small enough to load fast?
Is the site easy to use?
Does the site have visual appeal?
Are the graphics worth the wait?
Does the site appeal to the imagination, senses, &
Is the site interesting, stimulating, and engaging?
Is the site thought provoking?
Living in
Technical Aspects
Does the site run without error?
Are directions provided for downloads?
Does loading take a reasonable amount of time?
Do most browsers work with the site?
Is a text-only option provided?
Is it easy to move between pages?
Could you easily return to previous parts of the site?
Is an easy-to-use table of contents or index provided?
Were links clearly described?
Were page lengths kept short to limit options and confusion?
CMCC Museum
Real-World Applications
Mediums: Exploring Channels of Communication
Think Practicality
Be realistic and practical.
Select Quality Info
If it's not good, don't use it.
Does it fit your curriculum?
Does it meet student needs?
Is it written at the right level?
Solar System
Correct Reading Level
If students can't read it, don't use it.
Match Interest Level
Internet should be motivating.
Match Maturation Level
Most Internet resources are written for adults.
Is the information written at your level?
Is inappropriate information included?
Is it "over" their heads?
The College Guide
Timely Topics
Use Internet for "one-shot" timely topics
Explore Current Issues
Internet is best for current info not available in other
Internet provides first-hand information not available
Multiple Intelligences
Internet lets you focus on individual needs.
Monitor Topics
Guide students through the selection of an appropriate
Narrow Choices
The Internet is overwhelming, help students narrow their
Good Road Maps
Help students focus on relevant information.
Focus on One Page
Internet can be overwhelming.
Provide Guides
Provide a handouts or web page with specific guidelines.
Get students involved with applying Internet resources.
Allow Exploration
Let students explore sites that have lots of focused
High Level Questions
Go beyond the basics, address higher level skills.
Print Out Activities
Even without a classroom computer, you can use Internet
Build Skills
Use the Internet for remediation and challenge.
Concrete Products
Apply Internet information to specific end products.
Focus on Involvement
Ask students to "do it"
Focus on Discussions
Use Internet to share beyond the classroom.
Identify discussion groups
Live or delayed?
Provide initial discussion threads
Don't interrupt, but keep it on track
Discussion List List
Focus on Email
Use Internet to link students with other students.
Active Participation
Involve students in hands-on projects
Tree Rings
Write a diary
Count the rings
Draw a wall poster of tree rings
Act out history
Invent a way to judge age
Write a song about rings
Join Projects
Don't try to build everything from scratch, join projects.
Manage Teams
Encourage collaborative projects using Internet resources.
Bring Learning to Life
Focus on ways that Internet can bring learning alive.
Study history through exploration of the park
Study geography through adventures to historic sites
National Park Service
Insist on Citations
Ask students to be accountable for their work.
Design Lessons
Use Internet to motivate and draw interest
Information Exploration
Present information in an interesting and meaningful way.
Active Involvement
Active Participation is essential to learning.
Enhance retention and transfer
Internet Groupings
Interdisciplinary Approaches
Anticipate Problems
Inappropriate sites
Technical problems
Classroom management concerns
Plan Each Lesson
Carefully evaluate each site
Pick only the sites that you need
Provide opportunities for guided exporation
Annette Lamb,
c1996. The contents of this page are based on the book Surfin'
the Internet. Users are free to link to this site. Users are also
allowed to print and use the resources in their classroom.
This page updated 1/27/97.