
Professor and former Dean of School of Library and Information Management (1981 to 1987 and 1990-2003), currently Associate Vice President and Dean of Graduate Studies, Emporia State University.

Grover, Robert, Carol Fox, and Jacqueline McMahon Lakin (Eds.). The Handy 5: Planning and Assessing Integrated Information Skills Instruction. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2001. IASL Review:

Articles Online:
Grover, Robert & Fowler, Susan G. Recent Trends in School Library Media Research. School Library Media Quarterly; 21(4), Summer 1993. Summarizes the issues facing library and information studies (LIS) research; provides an overview of recent research, summarizes trends in this research; focusing on methodologies and topics examined; and identifies gaps and further areas for study.

Madden, Karl & Grover, Bob. Current Trends in Library Support Staff Continuing Education Programs. A Report for the Western Council of State Librarians Education Task Force, Oct. 2001.

Selected Article:
Clay, M. & Grover, R. Throw Me a Rope: A Distance Learning Faculty Guide. In D. A. Willis, B. Robin & J. Willis (Eds.), Technology and Teacher Education Annual, (pp. 621-625). Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 1995.

Teaching Information Skills (1993). Video produced by Dr. Robert Grover. Distributed by Libraries Unlimited.

Callison, Daniel & Grover, Robert (Eds.), The AASL Electronic Library (CD-ROM). Chicago: American Association of School Librarians.

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