
Professor Emeritus of Learning and Instruction at the University of Southern California, Dr. Krashen is an expert in the field of linguistics and a specialist on theories of language acquisition and development. He is well-known for his work in establishing a general theory of second language acquisition and as the co-founder of the Natural Approach. In past years his research focused on reading and its effects on language acquisition and academic success. His ideas about the difference between learning and acquisition have strongly influenced the field of ESL/EFL. Stephen Krashen has fought to save whole language and bilingual education in schools. Even more recently, Dr. Krashen has been an advocate of "recreational reading" and better stocked school libraries because of research relating both to higher achievement.

Research Interests Include: Literacy, Reading, ESL, Bilingual Education.
An expert in the field of linguistics, Dr. Krashen specializes in theories of language acquisition and development.

Personal Website: Stephen Krashen

Stephen Krashen from Wikipedia

Keynote speaker at American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Fall Forum. Collaboration and Reading to Learn @ Your library®. Dallas, TX, Oct. 2004.
"Relates how recent studies confirm the importance of the school library and librarians, although the financial support for libraries is often unavailable. Krashen points to the obvious way of encouraging reading: making sure there is access to good books. Krashen says it is well established that those with more access to reading material read more, and thus read better. In his keynote address Krashen will focus on how to encourage reading."

Articles & Documents Online:
Krashen, Stephen (May, 1999). Bilingual Education: Arguments For and (Bogus) Arguments Against.

Krashen, Stephen. More Smoke and Mirrors: A Critique of the National Reading Panel (NRP) Report on "Fluency". Phi Delta Kappan, Oct. 2001.

Krashen, Stephen. Pithy Tidbits, Writings, and Comments on Reading and School Libraries. (Collection housed at David Loertscher’s website)
For several years, Stephen Krashen has written comments, letters to editors, journal articles, and commentaries on research about reading and school libraries and posted these to the school library community.

Krashen, Stephen. School Libraries, Public Libraries, and the NAEP Reading Scores. School Library Media Quarterly; 23(4), 1995.

Krashen, Stephen. What Research Says About Reading: False Claims About Literacy Development. Educational Leadership (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development); 61(6), 18-21, March 2004.

Krashen, Stephen. Whole Language and the Great Plummet of 1987-92: An Urban Legend from California. Phi Delta Kappan; 38(10), 748-753, June 2002.

Selected Book:
Krashen, S. The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research (2nd Ed.). Heinemann, Aug. 2004.
"Continuing the case for free voluntary reading set out in the book's 1993 first edition, this new, updated, and much-looked-for second edition explores new research done on the topic in the last 10 years as well as looking anew at some of the original research reviewed. Krashen also explores research surrounding the role of school and public libraries and the research indicating the necessity of a print-rich environment that provides light reading (comics, teen romances, magazines) as well as the best in literature to assist in educating children to read with understanding and in second language acquisition. He looks at the research surrounding reading incentive/rewards programs and specifically at the research on AR (Accelerated Reader) and other electronic reading products." You can read an online review by Doug Johnson at

Related Articles about Stephen Krashen:
Achievement Profile: Stephen Krashem from ESL Miniconference
"So Many Years Left, So Many Languages to Acquire!"

Dr. Stephen Krashen's Editorial / Opinion Pages from Azusa Unified School District's, CA and

Schütz, Ricardo (Aug. 2005). Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition.

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