
Director of the Library Research Service a unit of the Colorado State Library and the Colorado Department of Education operated in partnership with the University of Denver that provides library professionals, educators, public officials, and the media with research and statistics about libraries. He is also a professor in the Library and Information Science program at University of Denver.

Curriculum Vitae (pdf document):

Dr. Lance has conducted extensive research into the impact of school libraries on student achievement, and has replicated the results of his research in several states. He has also authored many articles for a variety of publications concerning the importance of school library media centers.

School Library Impact Studies from Library Research Service

Lance spoke at the 2002 White House Conference on School Libraries.Transcripts of that presentation can be found at:

Lance, Keith Curry, Ph.D. What Research Tells Us About the Importance of School Libraries. White House Conference on School Libraries, 2002.

Selected Book:
Lance, Keith Curry & Loertscher. Powering Achievement: School Library Media Programs Make the Difference – The Evidence (2nd Ed.), 2003.

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