
Professor at San Jose State University, School of Library and Information Science.

David V. Loertscher has degrees from the University of Utah, the University of Washington, and a Ph.D. from Indiana University. He has been a school library media specialist in Nevada and Idaho at both the elementary and secondary school levels. He has previously taught at Purdue University, The University of Arkansas, and The University of Oklahoma. He served as head of the editorial department at Libraries Unlimited for ten years and is President of Hi Willow Research & Publishing (distributed by LMC Source at He is a former president of the American Association of School Librarians.

Faculty Website at San Jose State University:
Personal Website:

Articles, Documents & Presentations:
Lance, Keith Curry & Loertsher, David. School Libraries: What the Research Shows. Presentation at “Summit on School Libraries, Toronto, CA, May 2002.

Loertscher, David. Building Knowledge-Rich Environments for Youth: A Worldwide Challenge for Schools and School Librarians. Keynote Address at IASL Conference, Aug. 2002.

David Loertscher Speaks. An interview by Cyndi Phillip, 2002.
Related website:
A Weekend with David Loertsher by Cyndi Phillip.

Loertsher, David V. & Woolls, Blanche. The Information Literacy Movement of the School Library Media Field: A Preliminary Summary of the Research.

Selected Books:
Loertscher, David & Champlin, Connie. Indiana Learns. San Jose, CA: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2002.
Excerpts at

Loertscher, David. Reinventing Your School’s Library in the Age of Technology: A Guide for Principals and Superintendents. San Jose, CA: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2002.

Loertscher, David. Taxonomies of the School Library Media Program (2nd Ed.). San Jose, CA: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 1999.

Loertscher, David V. & Achterman, Douglas. Increasing Academic Achievement through the Library Media Center: A Guide for Teachers. San Jose, CA: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2002.

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