- A
Pigeon Approach to Keeping It
- If you've
been rafting, you probably had your
picture taken from a remote cliff as you
went through the roughest rapids. You may
have wondered how they developed the film
and had 8x10 prints ready for you to buy
at the end of your trip. Did a helicopter
fly the film back to the store? Did they
use a jeep to drive over backroads? Did
they use a digital camera and cell phone
to transmit the pictures?
- Many
companies have chosen a easier, low tech
approach.... carrier pigeons. They can
attach the film or digital disk to a
carrier pigeon who quickly flies back to
the store. Sometimes the simple solution
works best. Throughout history carrier
pigeons were a simple solution to a
complex problem. Check out the websites on
World War I from NASA
and the Smithsonian
for examples.

- Pigeon
- Keep
it Simple
- Strategies
and Scaffolds
- Before
You Jump In... Check it
- Address
Time Issues
- Continuum
of Project
- Return
to Eduscapes
- Keep It
- When you're thinking
about integrating technology into your classroom,
think simple. The more complex the problem and
solution, the more frustrations you're likely to
encounter. When trying to light a fire, a mixture of
lack of expertise, wet logs, rain, and cold can add up
to a miserable time. Stick to one thing at a time and
always have a backup plan.
- A Pigeon
Approach to Unit Building
- As you
plan your technology-rich projects, think
about building an effective learning
environment, not "using" technology. Let
technology and other resources flow
naturally from your project. Think about
all the possibilities including books,
videos, Internet, and hands-on
- Consider
the following steps: explore options,
brainstorm ideas, select focus, develop
materials, and be realistic.

- The
Legend of the
- Tomie
- Step
1: Explore Options
- Start with the
standards. What standards need to be addressed? What
themes might draw interest to these knowledge, skills,
and attitudes? What materials such as books and videos
do you already have available in your
- Before you start
creating materials, see what other teachers around the
world are doing with this topic. Do a search using
your favorite search engine. Use your topic or the
name of a book you'd like to use as the focal point
for activities. Rather than just searching for the
topic or book title, add words such as lesson,
activity, or webquest to your search.
- For example, you
might search for storytelling, tales, tall tales,
folklore, or the book The Legend of the
Bluebonnet by Tomie DePaola.
- Use Google
for your search or check out my Search
Engines page
for other ideas.
- Here are some lesson
ideas, activities, resources, and webquests for the
book The Legend of the Bluebonnet: Some
of these resources will also lead you to good
resources for other books too. For more lesson
planning ideas, check my Starting
Points page
and my Lesson
Plan page. For
more book ideas, check out Literature
- Step
2: Brainstorm Ideas
- Once you've
identified some resources, it's time to do some
brainstorming. Start by developing a concept map for
your topic. Generate a list of options and ideas
related to your topic. Consider cross grade level
connections as well as cross curriculum ideas. For
example, how do reading, writing, and math flow
through your project? Can you think of authentic
connections that might involve real-world activities
such as simple field trips, guest speakers, email
communications, or hands-on experiments?
- Spend some time
matching your concept map to the standards. Brainstorm
standards-based activities. For example, after reading
the bluebonnet book you might choose a wildflower and
write a folktale. Write a story that goes with your
state flower, or write a story based on the customs of
a people or culture. Consider thematic projects such
as planting wildflowers. You might take a wildflower
field trip, take digital pictures, and make a virtual
web trip. Add math by measuring wildflowers or
estimating the number of wildflowers in an area. Make
a wildflower mural in your classroom using information
you find on the Internet. Read another book containing
wildflowers such as Sarah, Plain and
- Step
3: Select Focus
- Keep your focus
simple. Select a specific set of knowledge, skills, or
attitudes related to a content area, information, and
technology literacy . Help bring meaning to learning
by selecting an interesting content focus. For
example, students might retell and create tales to
meet a language arts standard. They might associate
flowers with states and geography through storytelling
or connect stories to a culture project for a social
studies project. They could measure and estimate
flowers for a meaningful math project. You might
relate the bluebonnet book to a standard focusing on
the trait of giving.
- In addition to
specific content standards, consider information and
technology literacy areas. For the bluebonnet book you
might compare three online versions of the same
bluebonnet legend (Version
4). You could
use the software Kidspiration for
telling and retelling a story and the software
Crunchers for wildflower
- Step
4: Develop Materials
- Once
you've selected your content, it's time to
focus on developing learning materials.
Start by identifying specific strategies
that will help you teach the content.
Also, consider scaffolds such as the ones
developed by the San Diego schools that
will help your students learn. Explore
three types of thinking scaffolds
including reception, transformation, and
production. A reception scaffold helps
students organize ideas. A transformation
scaffold helps students synthesize ideas.
A production scaffold helps students
create things.
- Next,
organize technology and resources. You
might develop worksheets, templates,
bookmarks, or other materials to assist
students in using the resources more
effectively. Finally, consider those
things that must be created such as
activities and assessment. For example,
you might use the rubricmaker
to create your assessments.
- In the
example on the right, students use the
Kidspiration software to
retell the story. Another template is used
to create a new story based on their state

- The
Legend of the
- Kidspiration
- Step
5: Be Realistic
- The most important
step is also the last, be realistic. Before you dive
into the project, compare the outcomes you've selected
with the time that you have and the activities you're
doing. Are you trying to do too much? Are you spending
too much time on a very small standard? Think about
ways to use classroom management strategies to
increase efficiency. Could you do the project in small
groups? Also think about technology availability.
Could you borrow digital cameras from other grade
levels or set up learning centers to increase
efficiency with technology? Could you print out web
pages rather than accessing them online? Consider
options for collaboration. In what ways can you cut,
edit, streamline, and enhance the project?
- One class created a
web page on The
Legend of the Bluebonnet
and each
student contributed a sentence... not a paragraph,
page, or book. The teacher was able to keep the
project realistic by limiting the comments to a simple
sentence. Not all projects need to be this concise,
but consider your outcome, what's needed to accomplish
your goal?
- Reflect
on a Unit
- Before you start a
new unit, reexamine one you've done in the past. Did
you follow the steps described? What were the
strengths and weaknesses of the experience? How was
technology used? How could it be used
- The Dilemma
- Infusing technology
and high level thinking activities into your
curriculum presents a dilemma. The question becomes
the efficient use of time versus complex thinking. How
do we think simple in a complex world?
- Dilemma
1: Think Simple
- We need to think
simple. Our world is filled with endless standards,
tons of technology, zillions of students, and
gazillions of ideas. Start by keeping it realistic.
- Take a big project
that you've done in the past. You may have been
overwhelmed or invigorated by the project. What makes
the difference? It's often how you've "chunked" the
activities. Rather than thinking of it as one huge
project, break it into reasonable steps and enjoy each
activity along the way. Don't worry about the "final
product", enjoy the simple activities along the way.
Or, reevaluate the need for such a large project.
Could the same outcome be accomplished by created a
smaller project and spending less time?
- Dilemma
2: Complex Thinking
- The second dilemma
relates to complex thinking. We have lots of
technology, but does it really lead to higher-level
thinking? It's the message, not the technology that
addresses the standard. Go beyond read and retell
activities. Create tasks that ask student to apply,
synthesize, and create. For example, you could have
students retell a page from the
that Worked by Charlotte Foltz Jones. Or,
students could create their own book.
Pigeon Planning
- Keep
it Simple
- Strategies
and Scaffolds
- Before
You Jump In... Check it Out!
- Address
Time Issues
- Continuum
of Project Complexity
- Return
to Eduscapes
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