Lewis, Clark, and Kristen: Explorers
A ninth grader, Kristen is an explorer. She wonders what it might have been like to be an early explorer charting unknown territory.
Kristen's parents are considering a summer trip along the Lewis and Clark trail, so she decides to do a little exploring of her own. She loves video, so she starts at the DVD section of the school library. She is surprised to find 4 videos. After reading the dust covers, she checks out the Ken Burns PBS video Lewis & Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery. She knows that Ken Burns is known for his quality documentary work, so she trusts that the will video contain quality information. While on a car trip to visit her grandparents, Kristen watches the video on her personal DVD player.
Now that she has a little background information about the expedition, Kristen returns to the school library. As she searches the print collection, she finds that many books have been written about the expedition. However she narrows her focus to two areas: primary sources materials and respected works.
She ends up with two books. One book contains the original journals of Lewis and Clark. She was disappointed to find that many of the books containing the journals have been edited. She likes the idea of reading the words actually written by the explorers themselves. She know they will be difficult to read, but she thinks it will give her a better sense for the time and place.
She's also interested in a book that will be interesting to read and is also a well-respected account of the expedition. She chooses Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis Thomas Jefferson and the Opening of the American West by Stephen Ambrose.
Explore Mr. Samuel's involvement as an instructional specialist.
Explore digital media used by student information scientists.
Explore books used by student information scientists.