Digital Media: CDs and DVDs
Digital media including CDs and DVDs contain text, audio, video, and animation.
From audio books on CD to documentaries on DVD, digital media is a popular resource for student information scientists.
The following examples demonstrates how digital media facilitate the learning experiences of the student information scientist.
Lewis, Clark, and Kristen: Explorers
Many young people prefer video for gathering background information and stimulating questions for inquiry. A growing number of quality documentary resources are available on DVD. Since these videos can easily be viewed on a variety of players including laptops and personal players, they are a practical information resource.
Explore Kristen's investigation for more detail.
Explore Mr. Samuel's involvement as an instructional specialist.
Listen, Draw, Read!
Some young readers are more successful if they have the support of audio books. For example, Michael is becoming a more fluent reader through listening to books and drawing what he hears. The more he listens, the more interest he has in reading text. The learning laboratory has a variety of audio books on cassette and CD.
While some selections are specifically geared to students with reading problems, the collection is popular with all reading interests and levels.
Explore Michael's investigation for more detail.
Explore Ms. Anderson's involvement as an instructional specialist.
Global Trotter
After reading the book The Motorcycle Diaries: A Latin American Journey by Ernesto Che Guevara and then watching the movie, Dylan dreams of retracing the journey through South America.
Explore Dylan's investigation for more detail.
Explore Mr. Washington's involvement as an instructional specialist.