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group workingLearning Spaces

The learning laboratory contains a variety of spaces to meet the diverse interests and needs of student information scientists. While one student may work well laying on the floor with a piece of flip chart paper, another child might be most efficient sitting at a table with a laptop computer. Comfortable, quiet areas are needed for individual reading activities. However space is also needed for small group collaborative teams to spread out papers, use laptops, and/or conduct experiments.

issue 2Large sections of wall space or bulletin boards are available for students to display the progress in their investigation by showing evolution of questions, expansion of concept maps, resources linked to generating new ideas, linkages from general information sources to more specific data and evidence, and rating of the quality of resources used.

Space is provided for students to lay out evidence on large table tops and work in groups to assimilate the evidence, argue the merits of evidence, and to link evidence together to support and reject arguments.

Video recording areas are provided for students to practice and critic oral presentation of arguments, practice debating issues, and organizing multimedia presentations.

Click on the photos below to explore spaces used by student information scientists.


Inviting Environment

Display Areas

Seating Areas

video viewing

Student Work Areas

Video Production Areas

Presentation Areas

wall display



Wall Displays


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