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displayDisplay Areas

The learning laboratory contains many different types of display areas.

Some displays such as book, magazine, and media cases are used to provide access to information resources.

bonesOther displays areas such as learning stations are designed to be used by students for hands-on activities. Students might manipulate the bones in a skeleton, examine travel brochures, or create a pop-up book.

In an effective learning laboratory, students are involved in creating displays and sharing the results of their inquiries.

The following examples demonstrates how display areas facilitate the learning experiences of the student information scientist.



Queen of Cards

girl writingOne of Haley's favorite places to visit is the Communicator's Castle in the school library media center. She's known as the "Queen of Cards". Alphasmart electronic keyboards are available in the learning laboratory for writing activities. She writes the captions for the cards in fun fonts, then uses the infrared feature to beam her project to the color printer. She uses the "silly shaped scissors" in the Communication Castle to cut out the text. Then, creates her cards. Student projects are shared on the Castle walls.

Explore Haley's investigation for more detail.

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