Live Virtual Interaction
Live activities have their own opportunities and challenges. Chats involve typing messages to another person(s). These messages are logged on the screen in a long list as they are written. Other live interactions such as audio conferencing and video conferencing can use the same software. As a matter of fact, some people, chat, audio conference, video conference, and share files all at the same time!
Chats and video conferences involve students in two-way or many way conversations. These interactions are synchronous. In other words, people are writing or talking in "real-time" as the event happens. Depending on the speed of the connection, there may be a slight delay, but this doesn't generally interfere with conversation.
To learn more, go to the external resource from Teacher Tap: Live Chats and Video Conferencing and Learning Spaces: Virtual Conferencing.
The following examples demonstrates how live virtual interaction facilitates the learning experiences of the student information scientist.
American Indian Heritage
Megan's grandmother knows many native dances. Unfortunately, her grandmother lives a thousand miles away. Mr. Samuels, the media specialist, suggests that the girls use video conferencing as a way to communicate.
With the use of web cams and a high-speed Internet connection, they're able to watch the dance and practice it themselves. Megan's grandmother can provide instant feedback and suggestions!
Explore Megan's investigation for more detail.