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Information Inquiry

inquiry logoInformation inquiry involves the processes of searching for information and applying information to answer questions we raise personally and questions that are addressed to us. Techniques for gaining meaningful information may involve reading, listening, viewing, observing, interviewing, surveying, testing and more.

Meaningful information application comes from analysis of information need, analysis of information gained, and synthesis of information to address the need in the most efficient and effective manner possible. The five interactive components of information inquiry are (Callison):

Questions in information inquiry may range from the most basic, factual reference questions to the most complex puzzles of life for which there are no answers. Questions tend be tied to one or more of three information environments: Personal, Academic, and Workplace.

eye means readRead Graphic Inquiry. This page explores how graphics can be build into the information inquiry process. It also provides a great example to explore.

Information inquiry involves the techniques for teaching information literacy skills. This may range from instruction that is very guided with specific techniques, steps and models to facilitating inquiry that is free and independent. Information inquiry involves critical thinking skills in selection and evaluation of information and resources. Information inquiry involves the use of creative thinking in the creation and presentation of information.

Many teachers might look at the definition of information inquiry and say, "I assign a term paper, isn't this information inquiry?" Inquiry-based assignments aren't just essays, term papers, or research papers. Instead, they ask students to become authentic investigators, researchers, and student information scientists. Information Inquiry is employing the processes outlined above to question and challenge the adequacy of information in terms of accuracy, meaning, relevance, currency, authority, understanding and value as convincing evidence.

videoclipView Inquiry (1:29).

In this video interview, Daniel Callison defines inquiry and discusses the information inquiry process including reflections on historical and information age perspectives.

Use of this video clip complies with the TEACH act and US copyright law. You should be a registered student to view the video.

video clipView Components of Inquiry (5:25).

In this video interview, Daniel Callison discusses five components of information inquiry.

Use of this video clip complies with the TEACH act and US copyright law. You should be a registered student to view the video.

videoclipView The Nature of Inquiry (1:40).

The nature of inquiry is explored. Carol Kuhlthau discusses the importance of learning communities and the role of the school library media center, process. - Excerpt from “Visions of Literacy”, Indiana University.

Use of this video clip complies with the TEACH act and US copyright law. You should be a registered student to view the video.

eye means readRead Chapter 1: Informaton Inquiry: Concepts and Elements in THE BLUE BOOK by Callison and Preddy, 1-16.

eye means readRead Chapter 2: Key Foundational Documents for Information Literacy and Inquiry in THE BLUE BOOK by Callison and Preddy, 17-35.

eye means readRead Students As Authentic Researchers: A New Prescription for the High School Research Assignment by C. Gordon, (School Library and Media Research, 1999). Describe a specific teacher. Discuss how you would go about convincing a teacher to transform their traditional assignment into an authentic, inquiry-based assignment. Cite ideas from the article.

tiny LambLamb's Latitudes
People expect easy answers. Whether it's THE best energy policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, or even religion, Americans have become lazy. They seek out the politician or leader that makes them feel the best. With increasing pressures on standardized tests, this focus on "one right idea" has also become true in schools. Students are concerned with a grade rather than learning. Teachers are concerned about accountability rather than teaching.

Most of life's problems aren't solved with a single policy or test score. It's essential that our students become creative and critical thinkers. They need to have the mental flexibility to see alternative perspectives, address their prejudices, and explore complex puzzles from different directions. Rather than one view, we must teach students that life is full of questions and answers.

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