Consider two students working in the school library media center. One child is sitting at a table surrounded by stacks of books, but twirling a pencil, yawning, and watching the clock tick rather than focusing on her assignment. Another student is sitting on the floor drawing a concept map on a large piece of flip chart paper while comparing a model ship to a photograph in a book.
Like the second child in our scenario, life long learners are proactive, independent, and self-motivated. However many more of today's learners are not able to effectively self-regulate their learning. They lack key learning processes such as goal setting, time management, learning strategies, self-evaluation, self-attributions, and self-motivational beliefs. In some cases, simply making students aware of the need for self-control is enough to improve their ability to function independently. However students must also acquire skills in the process of self-regulation.
This page addresses the following questions: What is self-regulation? What are characteristics of self-regulated learners? How do students become self-regulated learners? How is self-regulated learner associated with information fluency? How can school library media specialists promote self-regulation?
What is self-regulation?
A key element of the human personality, Bandura (1977) defined self-regulation as the ability to control our own behavior. Self-regulation involves three steps:
- self-observation - examining ourselves, our thinking, and our behavior
- self-judgment - comparing ourselves to a standard
- self-response - reacting to our judgment through self administered rewards and punishment
Self-regulated learning is the deliberate planning and monitoring of the cognitive and affective processes involved in completing academic tasks (Corno and Mandinach, 1983). According to Winne (1995), most effective learners are self-regulating.
Yang (1993) found that high regulatory students:
- tend to learn better under learner control than program control situations
- able to monitor, evaluate, or manage their learning effectively during learner controlled instruction with embedded questions
- reduce instructional time required to complete the lesson when they have control
- manage their learning and time efficiently
What are characteristics of self-regulated learners?
Much work has been done in the field of self-regulation by Barry J. Zimmerman a professor at the Center of the City University of New York. He states that self-regulation is the "self-directive process by which learners transform their mental abilities into academic skills." (Zimmerman, 2002)
Self-regulated learners are “metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in their own learning process” (Zimmerman, 1989, p. 329). To accomplish their goals, learners set personal goals, perform strategically, monitor their progress, and adapt their approach. These skills are essential for life-long learners. Whether managing a business or developing a work of art, people must be self-reliant. Zimmerman identified a number of strategies for self-regulation:
- self evaluation
- organizing and transforming
- goal-setting and planning
- seeking information
- keeping records and monitoring
- environmental structuring
- self consequating
- rehearsing and memorizing
- seeking social assistance
- reviewing records
According to Schunk and Zimmerman (1998), self-regulation is not a specific mental ability, instead it involves a series of component skills including:
- setting specific proximal goals for oneself
- adopting powerful strategies for attaining the goals
- monitoring one's performance selectively for signs of progress
- restructuring one's physical and social context to make it compatible with one's goals
- managing one's time use efficiently
- self-evaluating one's methods
- attributing causation to results
- adapting future methods.
How do students become self-regulated learners?
In Becoming A Self-Regulated Learner, Zimmerman (2002) identifies how a student's use of specific learning processes, level of self-awareness, and motivational beliefs combine to produce self-regulated learners.
Forethought Phase. This phase sets the stage for performance and involves task analysis and self-motivation. Students identify the requirements of an assignment, set goals, and plan strategies for use in their learning. For example, they may identify three questions they wish to answer and use specific Internet search strategies to locate information to address these questions. Students become self-motivated through intrinsic interest in a topic or through self-efficacy beliefs such as the expectation that answering a series of questions will lead them to a satisfying conclusion.
Performance Phase. Self-control and self-observation are elements of the performance phase. Self-control refers to acting on the strategies outlined in the forethought phase, while self-observation involves noting and thinking about progress. The learner may also experiment with ideas. For example a student might notice that a Venn diagram works well for making comparisons and apply this technique to other aspects of a project.
Self-reflection Phase. This phase involves self-judgment and self-reaction. Learners draw comparisons about their performance against some standard when they self-evaluate. They may also search for causes of errors and attempt to attribute their problems to particular causes. The key to self-judgment is sustaining motivation by identifying strategies that can be used to address deficiencies. Self-reaction involves how a person responds to their performance. Adaptive reactions involve students making adjustments to increase their learning by modifying a method of learning such as shifting from a brainstormed list of ideas to creation of a concept map.
How is self-regulated learner associated with information fluency?
By acquiring specific strategies, students can learn to take control over their thinking, behavior, and environment. As they become increasingly self-regulated, learners shift their focus from comparing themselves with others to judging their performance against their personal goals. They are also able to work independently on increasingly complex problems and projects. These characteristics are all associated with information fluency.
Students must be able to adapt to changing learning environments and self-regulate in the following areas:
- Allocation of Time - students organize their use of time and establish priorities
- Use of Information and Technology Resources - students systematically locate, evaluate, and apply resources to meet goals
- Interaction with Human Resources - students learn to effectively communicate and collaborate with others including family, peers, teachers, and community members. For example, students learn that sometimes they are more productive working individually, while in other situations it might be more efficient to ask for help.
- Selection of Physical Environment - students learn to organize their work space for maximum productivity being aware of comfort, noise, etc.
- Selection of Cognitive Strategies - students choose and apply techniques that will result in better performance
- Self-Motivation - students are aware of and control their emotions and motivational beliefs such as self-efficacy to meet their goals.
As self-regulating students work their way through the information inquiry process, they are constantly asking themselves reflective questions such as:
- What are my needs and interests?
- What are my questions?
- What are my goals?
- How will I allocate my time?
- What are my priorities? Where should I start?
- Where should I work?
- Should I work with a friend or by myself?
- Am I making progress toward my goals? If not, what adjustments should be made to my schedule or approach?
- Are environmental elements or classmates distracting? If so, what adjustments should be made in my work environment?
- Am I unproductive or bored? If so, what adjustments can be made to self-motivate?
- Am I getting bogged down? If so, what adjustments should be made in my strategies?
- Am I stuck? If so, where should I seek help?
- Did I accomplished my goals? If not, what can I do differently next time?
- How did I use my time? How can I adjust my schedule in the future to be more productive?
- How did I react when I became bored, stuck or frustrated? What did I learn from this experience?
- Under what conditions was I most and least productive? How can I apply this knowledge to future projects?
- What strategies were most and least successful? What techniques should I use again? What areas need to be refined?
How can school library media specialists promote self-regulation?
As school library media specialists partner with teachers to develop learning experiences for children and young adults, guidance can be provided to support self-regulated learning:
- Model self-regulation
- Shift responsibility to students
- Provide choices
- Assist in goal setting
- Encourage proactive behavior and risk-taking
- Provide context-rich connections
- Link new learning to prior knowledge
- Encourage a variety of strategies
- Anticipate students questions
- Provide corrective, positive feedback
- Encourage self-evaluation
- Promote reflection