- Annette
Lamb, Ph.D.
- Schedule
- Biographical
- Resume
- Personal
- Schedule
- Personal
- Hobbies
- Associates
- Schedule
- Where's Waldo?
We don't know, but we do know where Annette Lamb
will be this year. She may be in front of a Mac
(preferred) or a PC (the picture on the left
shows her bi-platform skills), with kids or
adults, in the US or in Canada. In her "free"
time she could be traveling anyway in her
motorhome. Check out her travels at
- Last year she
tried to maintain an online calendar. With a
constantly evolving schedule, she decided it
just wasn't practical. It's much more practical
to just email her for information about
particular dates.
- Although she
schedules conferences and workshops up to 2
years ahead, she is sometimes available for next
week or next month depending on the time of
year. October, November, March, and April are
her busiest months.
- Email
Lamb for
more information.