Problem Solving w/ WebQuests
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Problem Solving
through WebQuests
Problem solving activities are an effective way to engage learners in your content. Students are faced with a "real world" dilemma or task and use their knowledge and skills to seek meaningful solutions. For example, webquests often pose problems that require students to apply existing knowledge as well as gather new information using Internet resources.
Explore examples of these problem solving environments. Then, complete the following three activities:
Activity 1: Evaluate a webquest.
Activity 2: Compare and contrast two webquests with the same topic or focus.
Activity 3: Brainstorm ways to modify a webquest to fit your classroom needs.
Click on one of the following grade levels for a set of webquest examples:
Try some examples:
If you need more examples, try some of the following webquest collections:
Once you've explored some webquests, you're ready to build your own. Rather than start from scratch, start with one of my 42eXplore topics.
Activity 4: Build a Webquest
  • Go to the 42eXplore index and identify a topic that matches a grade level emphasis.
  • Explore the activities and resources provided.
  • Identify a problem, resources, guidelines and strategies, and an assessment that uses one or more resources.

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Created by
Annette Lamb, 1/00. Updated 1/02.