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Comics and Graphic Novels for Young Adults

Many books for young adults contain adult themes including sex and violence. Be sure to preview books before purchasing for young adults.

Daisy Cutter: The Last Train #1 by Kazu Kibuishi is the first book in a new award winning series for young adults. Learn more at Bolt City - Daisy Kutter.

Web Comics

Shooting warMany print comics begin life as web comics such as Shooting War, a political satire focusing on today's video bloggers, the news media, and issues of intellectual freedom.

Notice that comics such as Copper are created for the web format. The author, Kazu Kibuishi has created a wonderful tutorial showing the process of webcomic creation.


WebComics Starters

Social Networks

Authors are increasingly making their books available as webcomics. Copper is a webcomic. The author, Kazu Kibuishi has created a wonderful tutorial showing the process of webcomic creation.

Web Comics

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