- Get
- If you're stuck in the mud, you need
to explore ways to get moving. A good
place to start is by looking at how you
view students and technology. What's the
role of technology in your school? How are
students using technology? How do you
think students should be using
- Explore ways that students use
technology as consumers, as collaborators,
and as creators.
- Students as Consumers
- Look at the ways your students are
using technology as consumers. Go beyond
the basic use of information. For example,
ask students to read the information they
find on the Internet, but also encourage
them to ask questions, solve problems,
debate an issue, discuss a topic, or
create a communication. The following
ideas will help you expand your ideas
about students as consumers.

- Mud
- Big Ideas
to Small Steps
- Get Moving
- Bridging
the Gap
- Return
to Eduscapes
- Explore Options. Use websites to get
students started. Use them as discussion starters,
story prompts, or topic generators. For example, they
might explore a site with basic information and then
build on that information or debate an issue. The
American Museum of Natural History has a web page
called Rocks
in the Cabinet that explores the rocks and
minerals that can be found in a kitchen. You might use
this to get students thinking about the products in
their house. They could then use the Internet to learn
more about these products such as matches
and how they are made.
- Replicate Projects. Start with an approach
you already use in your classroom such as making a
visual map, creating a game, holding a debate, or
conducting an interview. Use a website to stimulate an
idea. For example, check out the online interview
of a dinosaur.
- Look Local. Use the Internet to explore
globally, but look locally for projects. Start with a
topic such as Endangered
Environments. Ask yourself: What does a world
event have to do with our town? How do global concerns
impact our community? What can I do to make a
- Combine Subject Areas. Rather than focusing
on just one area, combine subject areas together for
an interdisciplinary approach. Combine art and
history, math and music, or chemistry and poetry. For
example, the Elements
page shows student poetry based on Chemical
- Use the News. Identify current information
not available elsewhere. Did you know that Canada has
a new
territory, there's a new mission to Mars, and
there are conflicts happening throughout the
- Use Live Events. Bring excitement with live
projects such as the JASON Project, weather reports,
and live cameras and data sites. For example, you can
track where the planets
are right now.
- Students as Collaborators
- Think about how students can use the Internet as a
tool for collaboration. For example, consider data
collection, information sharing, and virtual field
trip activities. If you're looking for ideas. Check
out LightSpan's
Global Schoolhouse Project page where you can
search for current online projects.
- Data Collection. Explore projects that
involve students in gathering and analyzing
information from observations, interviews,
experiments, and polls and surveys. The Stevens
Institute of Technology website provides lots of great
- Information Sharing. Consider a project
that would involve students in creating and sharing,
creative writing, narrative writing, and descriptive
writing. They might create text, visuals, audio,
and/or animation as part of the project. The Tall
Tales project involved children from Ohio posting
their tall tales and asking other classes to join in
the fun of writing tall tales.
- Virtual Field Trips. Get students involved
in a virtual travel project. They could follow a
scientific expedition or a historical reenactment.
Some projects involve live participation, while others
allow delayed viewing. Students can be involved in
email, chat, and even video conferencing with
scientists, historians, politicians, and professions
in any field. Students could follow a project such as
- Students as Creators
- Finally, students can become creators. They may be
publishers, presenters, authors, illustrators, or web
developers. The key is to get students involve with
designing, developing, and building real-world
applications for classroom content.
- Web Developers. Try to keep your projects
simple, small, and reasonable. For example, each
student might add one word, sentence, paragraph, page,
or slide to a class project. Everyone doesn't have to
do everything as long as they all are a part of the
process. For example, check out these student
- Build A Project. Consider projects where
the teachers starts the project and students add an
element, picture, or definition. Maybe students could
expand a project from a previous semester. All
projects don't have to start from scratch. For
example, consider the lab
equipment project. Each student could add to the
Inspiration document.
- Multiple Channels. Not all students are
"verbal-linguistic". Be sure to include audio, video,
QuickTime VR, animation, and graphic elements to
encourage students with different learning styles. For
example, students could do a project related to
and culture that would include QuickTime audio and
- Review. Use creation projects as a way for
students to review and reflect. Students can build a
project as a class, in small groups, or individually.
For example, you could review the life
cycle of a butterfly by creating a class
Inspiration document.
- Think about mixing all the student roles together
into a project that would involve students as
consumers, collaborators and creators. Use online
projects for ideas. For example, your students might
explore an online
safari, then make their own.
- Ask yourself: What roles
are students playing in your classroom with
technology? Are they consumers, collaborators, or
creators? Maybe they are all three!
- Creating Technology-Rich Learning
- If your lessons are caught in a rut, consider ways
to make them more "technology-rich."
- As you consider the roles of students, begin
thinking about the effective design of technology-rich
learning environments in your classroom. Consider the
areas of standards, themes, collaboration, thinking,
and starters. If you're looking for ideas for your own
professional development, check out the Teacher
Tap for some ideas.
- Standards. Always start with the end. What
do you want your students to be able to do or talk
about when they get done with your activity, lesson,
and unit. Identify an outcome. Then, locate resources
to address the specific outcome. Think about the
reading level of the resource as well as how the
information is presented. Then, design meaningful
activities that will help students work with the
information presented. Carefully link these ideas
together. In other words, be specific about the kind
of learning experience needed to reach your goal. If
you want students to be able to explain how atoms
interact with one another by transferring or sharing
electrons, then you need a page that explains the
concept such as this electrons
and bonds page. If your outcome is for students to
be able to explain how sorting and recombination of
genes in sexual reproduction creates a variety of gene
combinations, then a tutorial might be the best best.
Check out a nice tutorial on cells.
If your students have already been introduced to a
topic, maybe they need new information and
opportunities to practice. The outcome might be for
students to analyze the physical and chemical
properties used to identify families of elements. In
this case, the Chemicool
page might be useful or a funbrain
quiz. Always match the information and activities
to the standard or student expectation.
- Themes. Think thematically. Look for
topics, lessons, and units that relate to interesting
and meaningful experiences. Make the teaching and
learning environment exciting. Start with the
page for ideas. This web project contains over 100
themes, websites, and activities. Emints
and Gander
Academy also have good theme pages.
- Collaboration. Explore projects, join
projects, and create collaborative projects. For
ideas, check out the Teacher Tap on Collaboration.
If you're looking for a model that includes many
different collaborative elements, explore Murphy's
Weather project. The
Buddy Project and Virtual
Architecture page also explain the process of
creating collaborative projects.
- Thinking. Promote high level questions. For
example, ask students to explain, solve, choice, or
decide. Go to Questioning.org
for ideas. Webquests are good way to promote high
level thinking projects. The Teacher Tap: Webquests
contains lots of ideas for integrating webquests into
your classroom. The San
Diego schools have a nice visual map for webquest
tasks. Travel
Back to Colonial Times is an example of a
- Starters. Create starters for kids such as
prompts, templates, book covers, photos, or web page.
For example, check out the Nutrition
and Bugs
KidPix projects. Consider using an electronic
postcard as a starter or a website such as
- Ask yourself: Are you
ready to create effective, technology-rich learning
environments? Brainstorm the standards, themes,
collaborative elements, thinking skills, and possible
technology starters you could use for a particular
topic you teach.
Mud Menu
- Big Ideas to Small
- Get Moving
- Bridging the Gap
- Return to
Created by Annette
Lamb, 04/01.